Validation of the OTH Regensburg card

In order to use your OTH student card, you must validate it each semester. This means that you must insert the card into one of our validation terminals before the start of the semester to update the semester dates. Our semester dates are as follows: 1 October to 14 March for a summer semester and 15 March to 30 September for a winter semester. Please ensure that you do not use an expired student card to identify yourself as a student on the bus or before an exam.

The card can be validated from the beginning of March for a summer semester or the beginning of September for a winter semester. You can only validate your card if you have already re-registered for the coming semester and if you do not have any re-registration locks in yourStudent-Service-Portal. You can find our validation terminals at the following locations:

  • location Seybothstraße 2: entrance area Seybothstraße at the Infopoint, in front of and by the Cip-Pools
  • location Galgenbergstraße 30: entrance area of the lecture hall building at the forum
  • location Galgenbergstraße 32: entrance area of building K
  • location Prüfeninger Straße 58: central area – main floor