International Degree-Seeking Students

Application Form for the Waiting List

The OTH Regensburg does not have its own student dormitories. However, the International Office of the OTH Regensburg is authorised to manage a very limited number of dormitory rooms from other companies in order to allocate them to our exchange students. If a few exchange students are unable to come to Regensburg, the International Office can also offer these rooms to international degree-seeking students for a limited period of time. To be placed on the waiting list for available rooms via the International Office, please complete the application form below. Please read the application form carefully before submitting it. To ensure that everything is displayed correctly, please complete the form on your computer, not on your mobile phone.

The following application is only for international students who are completing an entire degree programme at the OTH Regensburg. International exchange students please use the application form on the website for international exchange students.

Please be sure to also apply to the dormitories and in addition look around on the private housing market. With the following application you will only be placed on a waiting list! The official application for a room in a dormitory can be found on the website of the respective dormitory.



Application for the Waiting List for Accommodation in a Student Dormitory (International Degree-Seeking Students)

Angaben zu meiner Person / information about myself:
Geschlecht / sex*
Kontaktdaten / contact details
Bewerbung für die Warteliste / Application for the waiting list

Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich internationale Studierende, die ein ganzes Studium an der OTH Regensburg absolvieren, für eine Unterkunft im Wohnheim direkt über das Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz oder über das jeweilige Wohnheim für ein Zimmer bewerben müssen. Dieses Antragsformular ist nur die Bewerbung für die Warteliste des International Office. Das International Office kann Ihnen kein Wohnheimzimmer garantieren. / Please note that international students who are completing a entire degree programme at the OTH Regensburg (degree-seeking students) must apply for accommodation in a student dormitory directly via the Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz or via the respective dormitory. This application form is only the application for the waiting list of the International Office. The International Office cannot guarantee you a room in a student dormitory.

Hiermit bewerbe ich mich für ein Zimmer über das IO der OTHR. Ich wünsche folgendes Zimmer (je nach Verfügbarkeit) / I apply for a room via the IO of OTHR. Based on availability, I wish to receive a*
Ich möchte Bettzeug (Kissen, Decke) reservieren (gegen Gebühr, zwischen 45 € - 80 €) / I intend to reserve bedding (pillow, blanket) for my student dorm (extra fee between 45 € - 80 €):*

Bitte bringen Sie Ihren eigenen Bettbezug (Laken, Bezug für Kissen und Decke) mit! Dies wird von den meisten Wohnheimen nicht gestellt. / Please bring your own bed linen (bedsheet, covers for pillow and blanket)! Most student dormitories do not provide these.

Für die Miete eines Studentenzimmers steht mir folgendes Budget monatlich (in Euro) zur Verfügung / For renting a room in Regensburg I have the following budget per month (in euro) at my disposal
Abschließende Bestätigung / final confirmation

I accept that I have to pay a deposit in advance. The amount of the deposit depends on the respective student dormitory. This sum will be refunded 6-8 weeks after the end of the contract and after leaving the room clean and without damages. For the rooms offered by the International Office, students have to pay an additional one-off housing fee of 60 euros which is not refundable. At the end of the renting period, you have to leave the room 2 working days before the end of the month.

The International Office has a limited number of rooms available for international exchange students. If not all rooms in the contingent for exchange students are required in a semester, these rooms can also be offered to international degree-seeking students. The rooms vary in size, quality and price. We always endeavour to take your wishes into account wherever possible.

The period of residence in these rooms is limited to 2 semesters for international degree-seeking students, as the rooms are reassigned to international exchange students after this period.

I agree that my personal data will be passed on to various student dormitories and private landlords for administrative purposes. I know that I can revoke the consent at any time. (only available in German)

Bestätigung / confirmation*
Wohnheimantrag verbindlich einreichen / Binding submission of application for accommodation