‘Open Regional Campus": Cooperation agreement concluded between the district of Kelheim and OTH Regensburg

The ‘Open Regional Campus’ represents a valuable opportunity for regionally based companies to expand and intensify the transfer of technology and knowledge: At the beginning of this year, Ute John-Unterburger took up her position as Managing Director of the Open Regional Campus. Specifically, this is a co-operation alliance for the research and development of innovative technologies, processes and products for the region.

‘Our aim is to develop customised, solution-oriented partnerships between companies, i.e. business and science. Together, we want to strengthen innovation in the region and network interested companies with science in a way that is open to all topics and technologies.’

Ute John-Unterburger,

Managing Director Open Regional Campus, OTH Regensburg


The Open Regional Campus was jointly launched by the Kelheim District Economic Development Agency and OTH Regensburg. The kick-off event took place in May 2024 at the Kelheim District Office. 15 companies attended, exchanged ideas and held initial cooperation talks. In addition, research professors from OTH Regensburg presented their high-tech projects in short keynote speeches.

‘ORCA gives us the opportunity to intensify and promote business development for regional companies. We create a close knowledge and technology transfer between OTH Regensburg and our region. For example, participating companies can be networked with researching professors, students and future graduates. We also create the fundamental opportunity for companies to acquire funding.’

District Administrator Martin Neumeyer


"With the Open Regional Campus, we are creating an entirely new format that makes the diverse expertise of our university tangible for the region. By bringing research from our laboratories together with the innovative strength of regional companies in a collaborative network, we aim to develop new technologies and products while fostering knowledge transfer between business, science, and society."

Prof. Dr. Oliver Steffens
Vice President for Research and International Affairs, OTH Regensburg


For Managing Director Ute John-Unterburger, the primary focus is now on close exchange and networking within OTH Regensburg, the region, and with locally based companies. Another event regarding the next steps is planned for June this year, with further details to follow shortly.

Interested entrepreneurs can contact Ute John-Unterburger at any time for more information about the project and participation:

Phone: 0941 943-70375

Email: ute.johnunterburger(at)oth-regensburg.de

Further information and background on the Open Regional Campus can also be found at: www.landkreis-kelheim.de/campus.

Gruppenfoto vor einer Wand
The Open Regional Campus offers locally based companies an opportunity for further development. In the picture (from left to right): Sandra Schneider (Economic Affairs Officer, District of Kelheim), Ute John-Unterburger (Managing Director, Open Regional Campus, OTH Regensburg), Professor Dr. Oliver Steffens (Vice President for Research and International Affairs, OTH Regensburg), Dr. Marcus Graf (Managing Director, Center for Research and Transfer, OTH Regensburg), District Administrator Martin Neumeyer. Photo: Landratsamt Kehlheim/Lukas Sendtner