Event series

OTH professor at the kick-off of ‘bimwerker’ in Berlin

On 26 February 2025, the series ‘BIM Kommunal und Kooperativ - Öffentliche Bauverwaltungen im digitalen Wandel!’ was officially opened by Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing at the Federal Ministry.

The series of events entitled ‘bimwerker’ is intended to support local authorities in introducing digital processes in the building authorities with several formats customised for public building authorities. For example, networking opportunities for employees and managers to exchange experiences are planned, as well as initial advice on the use of BIM in municipal construction projects. Federal Minister Wissing formulated the goal that after the federal and state level, municipal projects must also be ‘BIM only’.

At the event, larger municipalities such as the city of Cologne, Bremerhaven and Hamburg presented their experiences with digital transformation processes and projects. The Building Lab at OTH Regensburg was also represented at this event by Prof. Dr Marcus Schreyer, who joined Petra Rinnenburger (City of Cologne, representing the German Association of Cities), Sebastian Otto (BMWSB), Steffen Müller (BMDV) and Dr Ralf Togler (Kommunal Agentur NRW) on the podium to discuss questions from Annette von Hagel (Circular Building) and around 100 people on site and around 500 people online.

The questions and contributions at the event reflected the diverse organisational and technical challenges that local authorities face today in the digitalisation of their processes. The discussion showed that although the information and templates provided by central organisations are important aids, they need to be supplemented by networks between local authorities and regional knowledge providers, such as universities. This is the only way to build up the necessary knowledge in this area of construction management in a timely manner in order to implement projects with BIM economically and with less risk.

Gruppenfoto auf einer kleinen Bühne
The speakers and participants in the panel discussion at the kick-off event. Photo: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk/ouwerkerkfoto
Eine sitzende Frau im Vordergrund hat ein Mirkofon in der Hand
Questions were taken from the audience during the panel discussion. Photo: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk/ouwerkerkfoto
Mehrere Personen stehen an einem Tisch auf einer Bühne
The panellists answer questions from the audience. Photo: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk/ouwerkerkfoto