Under the motto ‘Elevating Minds, Supporting Communities, Empowering Regions’, representatives from academia and politics gathered at the Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) in Clermont-Ferrand, France, from 20 to 22 January 2025 to give the official go-ahead for a pioneering alliance. The European Higher Education Alliance ARTEMIS brings together eight European universities (Université Clermont Auvergne, France (EU Project Coordinator); Panepistimio Ioanninon, Greece; Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy; Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța, Romania; Hogeschool VIVES, Belgium; Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, Estonia; Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Norway) and stands for the creation of a common European Higher Education Area.
Enabling more mobility and collaboration
The aim is to promote synergies between education, research and innovation and to offer students, academics and non-academic staff more opportunities for mobility and collaboration. This value-based alliance aims to strengthen the European idea of democracy, solidarity and freedom.
The first day of the event on 20 January 2025 began with internal working group meetings of the ARTEMIS Alliance. Key topics were discussed in various workshops, in particular the management and organisational structure of the Alliance to implement the strategic goals. These meetings also served to consolidate the organisational basis for the various work packages in the project and to define the first operational steps.
The second day, 21 January 2025, was dedicated to the public kick-off ceremony. It was opened by Mathias Bernard, Rector of the Université Clermont Auvergne, followed by words of welcome from Sacha Beck, representative of the European Commission, and other representatives of the ARTEMIS universities.
In a comprehensive speech, Marie-Élisabeth Baudoin, Vice President for International and European Affairs and Coordinator of the ARTEMIS Alliance, presented the vision, goals and planned measures of the Alliance and gave a glimpse into the future of ARTEMIS with her statement: ‘The launch of ARTEMIS into orbit is an extraordinary moment! May our European university embark on a brilliant journey of solidarity and drive forward joint initiatives in inclusive education and research. May we reach for the stars together!’
‘Believing in a Europe that thrives on knowledge and creativity’
On the afternoon of 21 January 2025, a press conference was also held at which OTH Regensburg was represented by the Vice President for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr Oliver Steffens, and the City of Regensburg by Dr Nicole Litzel, Science Commissioner of the City of Regensburg. The importance of the ARTEMIS alliance for international higher education and the specific contributions of OTH Regensburg and the City of Regensburg to European cooperation were emphasised. ‘Today we begin an ambitious and exciting journey - a journey that brings together different institutions, countries and perspectives under the shared vision of promoting excellence in education, research and innovation. The ARTEMIS initiative is not just a collaboration of universities; it is a testament to the power of partnership, the strength of shared values and the belief in a Europe that thrives on knowledge and creativity,’ said Prof Dr Steffens. Dr Litzel then emphasised the intensive cooperation between the City of Regensburg and OTH Regensburg.
In addition to networking opportunities, there was also a meeting of the rectors and presidents of the ARTEMIS partner universities, in which the joy of the upcoming cooperation and the far-reaching potential that ARTEMIS offers for the further European development of the participating universities were clearly reflected in the visions expressed.
The ceremonial conclusion of the second day of the event was a reception organised by the city of Clermont-Ferrand in the magnificent Salon de l'Hôtel de Ville. The participants were warmly welcomed by Jérôme Auslender, Deputy Mayor of the City of Clermont-Ferrand, and had the opportunity to continue their dialogue in a festive atmosphere.