Study project

‘Recruitment of graduates at the OTH Regensburg’

In the study project ‘Recruitment of graduates at OTH Regensburg’, a team of five students analysed the perception of OTH Regensburg as an employer among graduates.

OTH Regensburg regularly advertises jobs for graduates, but one key challenge remains: Many students currently tend not to perceive OTH Regensburg as a potential employer. A project team from the 3rd semester International Relations and Management degree programme was commissioned to conduct a survey to find out the causes and develop specific approaches for targeted personnel marketing measures for graduates. The team was supported by the Human Resources department and Prof Dr Hartmann, lecturer in the ‘Project Management’ module.

The survey focussed on the technical faculties as a target group in order to specifically capture their perspectives. The tasks of the project team included

  • Creating a survey
  •  Analysing the collected data
  •  The development of approaches for targeted personnel marketing measures for graduates

Existing measures such as participation in the ‘Connecta’ careers fair or the distribution of job adverts in faculties and student councils were taken into account in order to be able to develop targeted new approaches.

The results of the survey open up new perspectives for possible approaches in personnel marketing and allow us to derive approaches for targeted measures to strengthen OTH Regensburg as an employer.


Gruppenfoto vor einer Wand mit Kunstwerk
The project team Yanina Hase, Hannah Schmid, Luisa Wittkowsky and Roukayath Igue with the project commissioners from the Human Resources department Lisa-Marie Preuschl, Eva Koller and Kerstin Haas as well as the lecturer in the ‘Project Management’ module Prof Dr Julia Hartmann after the project presentation (from right). Photo: OTH Regensburg/Gloria Weber