First Lego League

Exciting competition for 19 teams from southern Germany

Beim Qualifikationswettbewerb der FLL kämpften 19 Teams aus Süddeutschland, von Marktbreit bis Ilmenau, von Kempten bis Fulda um den Einzug ins Europafinale in Siegen.

Almost 200 young people and their coaches gave their best at OTH Regensburg on 1 March 2025. Evaluated by referees in the Robot Game and the jury in the sub-areas of research, robot design and the basic values of the FLL (inclusion, teamwork), four teams ultimately prevailed and will therefore move on to the European final D-A-CH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). These are

  •     MPG Robotics from Munich
  •     Gars Control Senior from Gars am Inn
  •     Heldele Robotics from Salach
  •     Go Robot from Ottobrunn

We wish all four teams every success at the DACH European final in Siegen.

More information about the First Lego Leaguehere.

Gruppenfoto in einem Hörsaal.
All four teams advance to the DACH European final. Photo: Melanie Gresser / Junge Hochschule