The Stifterverband's start-up radar analyses and evaluates the start-up activities of German universities every two years. In the category of medium-sized universities (5,000 to 15,000 students), 64 universities were assessed. With an outstanding result, OTH Regensburg climbed to second place overall in Germany, thus consolidating its position as one of the leading start-up universities in Germany. Among the medium-sized universities of applied sciences (HAW), OTH Regensburg is even in first place nationwide.
Prof. Dr Sean Patrick Saßmannshausen, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Head of the Start-up Centre at OTH Regensburg, is delighted with the result: ‘This is the best result so far for OTH Regensburg in this ranking. Above all, however, I am delighted that this award shows the enormous commitment of our team in the area of start-up support, because this result is based on hard and consistent work. The students and staff at OTH Regensburg receive the best possible support and encouragement for their start-up projects from the outset, but we also ensure a positive start-up culture at the university, promote the search for ideas and teach entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour in teaching in order to attract additional potential to the university.’
‘We strengthen entrepreneurial spirit and inventiveness’
The ranking is made up of seven components, five of which place OTH Regensburg among the top universities in Germany. These are in the areas of anchoring start-ups, start-up sensitisation, start-up qualification, start-up activities and monitoring and evaluation in start-up support. These factors contribute significantly to the creation of a favourable environment for prospective founders.
‘We strengthen entrepreneurial spirit and inventiveness,’ emphasises the President of OTH Regensburg, Prof. Dr Ralph Schneider. ‘The 2nd place in the Start-up Radar 2025 confirms our strategic orientation and the commitment of all those involved. We will continue to do everything we can to create an inspiring environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.’
With this outstanding ranking in the Start-up Radar 2025, OTH Regensburg is sending a clear signal of its role as a driving force in the German higher education landscape and as an important driver of innovation and economic development in the region.
Bavaria's Science Minister Markus Blume also congratulated OTH Regensburg: ‘At OTH Regensburg, “idea in Regensburg” becomes “made in Regensburg”! Congratulations on the excellent result in the most important ranking for start-ups and entrepreneurship in Germany - it is well deserved. At OTH Regensburg, top teaching and entrepreneurial spirit go hand in hand. With a great deal of commitment, the university has honed its profile in start-ups and entrepreneurship, igniting a genuine entrepreneurial spirit among students and thus laying the foundation for science to lead to value creation. That's great.’
Start-up Centre offers perfect conditions for those interested in founding a company
With numerous pitch events, workshops, support in drawing up business plans, coaching and a large network of regional and national partners, all doors are open to those interested in founding a company at OTH Regensburg. The university's Start-up Centre not only serves as a first point of contact, but also offers a MakerSpace at the Prüfening site with plenty of space, high-tech machines and tools to further develop ideas, build prototypes and test them. The employees also provide advice on financial support options: the development of prototypes in the Start-up Lab can be supported with up to 7,500 euros, and start-up grants can also be applied for. More information is availablehere.
The Stifterverband's survey analyses start-up support at German universities qualitatively and quantitatively, differentiating between large, medium-sized and small universities and colleges. It is the most important ranking for start-ups and entrepreneurship in Germany and is compiled by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.