
On this page you will find information about exams, exam results, credit transfer, final theses and points of contact for questions.

Please also consider the Study and Examination Rules (SPO) of your program.


  • Please be aware that you need to register pro-actively for all your exams (including repeat exams!) via the Student Service Portal (SSP). You can find the exam registration period underDates and opening hours. Taking a course does not mean that you are automatically registered for the exam as well, so please make sure to register for the exam before the deadline.

    Here you can find instructions for how to register for exams in the study planner of the Student Service Portal (SSP).

    Registrations can also be checked via the Student Service Portal (SSP) . Please send any necessary corrections by e-mail to the Examinations and Internships Office.

    • Information about examination dates will be posted by the faculties.
    • Information about the official notification of examination timetables is available underDates and opening hours.   

  • You can find the dates of the examination period underDates and opening hours.

  • Grades are published in theStudent Service Portal (SSP). The dates of publication can be found under Dates and opening hours.

  • Please observe the provisions of the info sheet about the code of conduct during in-person written exams.

  • Please refer to these guidelines for illness during the examination period:

  • 1.    Crediting application for candidates

    • who are applying for admission to a higher semester: the application for crediting must be submitted together with the application documents for the study program.
    • who are applying for admission to the first semester: the application for crediting must be submitted from the date of enrolment until no later than 10 days after the start of the study program.

    If you have obtained any skills through professional or other competency-building activities, please attach the Crediting application for competencies obtained outside the university(only available in German).


    2.   Crediting application for OTH Regensburg students who have completed coursework or examination achievements at another university (in Germany or abroad) and wish to transfer these credits to their study program. Please note that crediting cannot be granted for repeat examinations.

  • You are welcome to contact thePsychological counseling of the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz.

  • If you are unable to take an examination in the prescribed form due to a disability, academic accommodations will be granted insofar as this is necessary to create equal opportunities.

    A request for academic accommodations for examinations due to disability or chronic illness must be made in writing. The application should be made at the latest when registering for the examinations.
    For organizational reasons, it is important that you submit the application as early as possible (preferably close to the beginning of the semester). Please submit the application to the Examination Board (Prüfungsausschuss) by the exam registration deadline at the latest. This ensures that the faculties still have the opportunity to react accordingly in terms of organization during the examination planning phase. If you submit your application after the registration period has expired, it may not be possible (except in the case of acute illnesses) to realize the academic accommodations for the upcoming examination period.

    Advice on the application:
    Andrea März-Bäuml, representative for students with disabilities/chronic illness, room D107, phone 0941/943 9710, e-mail: andrea.maerz-baeuml(at)oth-regensburg.de
    and Prof. Dr. Striepling, chairman of the Examination Board, e-mail: pruefungsausschuss(at)oth-regensburg.de


Should you have further questions, please contact the Examinations and Internships Office.