Please note: The main language of the alumni online portal is German. Registration must also be in German. However, in the alumni online portal you will find a group ‘international students and alumni’. Here you will find interesting information on studying, funding programmes and career entry and have the opportunity to network with each other.

6 good reasons to be a member of the OTH Regensburg alumni network...

  • Alumni online portal
    Member-protected portal for OTH Regensburg alumni only - for searching, finding, contacting and exchanging information. You can create a personal profile and update your contact details yourself at any time.
  • Alumni-AKTUELL
    the newsletter for alumni, quarterly with news from the OTH Regensburg and topics relating to alumni and friends of the OTH Regensburg - directly via e-mail. 
    Note: Only available in German.
  • Career offers
    Seminars for young professionals, application portfolio checks and individual career counselling, advice and training on topics such as setting up a business, information on further training opportunities and specialist lectures at the faculties.
  • Invitations & Information
    on alumni meetings, company excursions, selected events organised by the OTH Regensburg and the faculties as well as the latest developments at the OTH Regensburg. You decide which information and offers you would like to receive via individual settings.
  • Contacts
    with former fellow students and professors at OTH Regensburg. Networking opens up many career opportunities.
  • Exchange of experience
    with students. Pass on your experiences from your studies and career to the current generation of students as a mentor, in career talks and/or in personal contact!

Information, contact and career network

The OTH Regensburg alumni network is an international information, contact and career network.
Alumni are all former students and members as well as friends and supporters of the OTH Regensburg.

We would like to maintain contact with our alumni and also support them outside the university. It is interesting for us to find out where your (professional) path leads and to learn from your experiences in professional practice. Share your professional experiences with us and our students!


Find out how you can get involved here!

Note: Further information are only available in German.


Katja Meier M.A.

Student Lifecycle Center - Alumni & Career Service

Galgenbergstraße 30, D 105
93053 Regensburg

+49 941 943-9828


You can reach me:
Monday and Wednesday from 07:30 am-01:00 pm in the office. Tuesday and Thursday from 07:30 am -11:30 am in the home office, preferably by e-mail or telephone.