Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Study Automotive Electronics part-time

From the latest know-how on automotive electronics components to system analyses of the entire vehicle. Deepen your skills in the automotive sector in just four semesters without interrupting your career!

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Learning content

What does the part-time Automotive Electronics degree programme involve?

The electronic systems of a modern motor vehicle are an essential part of the ‘overall vehicle system’. Control units not only influence the drive and chassis components, but also take on extensive tasks in safety and assistance systems and in the comfort and entertainment area. The interaction between the electronic systems and the mechanical components, as well as the interaction between the electronic components themselves, must be well understood and precisely planned right from the development stage of a vehicle.

The Master's in Automotive Electronics provides you with practice-orientated and scientifically sound knowledge in the areas of electronic hardware, software, system communication and sensor and actuator interfaces to the vehicle. In this context, it sheds light on topics such as electromobility, hydrogen technology and IT security and teaches management skills in the automotive industry. You will learn how individual systems interact in the overall vehicle and how you can apply your knowledge - also across departments.

The degree programme is aimed at specialists or managers in the field of automotive electronics, electronics or software development, project management or system development who want to expand or deepen their knowledge of electronic components or who are new to this field based on their professional experience in the automotive sector and want to expand their skills accordingly.


Strengths of the study programme

Experienced professors and lecturers from research and practice

This degree programme has been offered since 2005 and is a cooperation between the OTH Regensburg and the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences. You will not only be taught by professors from both universities, but also by proven experts from well-known companies in the automotive industry. This ensures very practical, applicable and up-to-date content.

Networking and learning in small groups

Small study groups create a motivated learning environment that facilitates and promotes contact and collaboration between faculty and fellow students.

Part-time towards a Master of Engineering

Our classroom courses are organised in blocks of modules. This makes it easier to plan and combine work, family and studies. Two modules are scheduled per semester, with each module comprising seven lecture days, Saturday to Saturday (excluding Sunday). It is only necessary to spend two block weeks in Regensburg per semester. For this reason, our part-time Master's is also well suited for students who do not live in the immediate vicinity.

Career opportunities

New opportunities in the automotive industry

Where vehicles are built and further developed at a rapid and trend-setting pace, highly qualified specialists are very much in demand. The Master in Automotive Electronics programme provides you with the necessary and sought-after know-how regarding electronic vehicle components.

  • In this degree programme, you will be provided with comprehensive training in specialist areas that pose significant challenges to the automotive industry. You will expand your knowledge and skills in all aspects of automotive electronics and their programming and development and will be prepared to apply this knowledge at your place of work. The skills you acquire and the academic degree "Master of Engineering" qualify you to take on complex specialist and management tasks.

Structure and modules

How is the study programme structured?

The part-time Master's programme lasts four semesters. The programme has a modular structure and consists of six attendance modules (semesters 1 - 3) and the Master's thesis (semester 4). 

The module weeks, which are organised in blocks, are essentially thematically self-contained and therefore also allow individual attendance as part of our module studies. This makes it possible to customise the programme to suit your personal and professional situation.

  • Contents

    • Fundamentals of communication systems in the vehicle
    • Functional and spatial division of functions
    • System requirements and architectures
    • Driver assistance systems
    • Reliability and availability 
    • Secure computer systems
    • Hydrogen technology

  • Contents

    • Sensors
    • Actuators
    • Signal processing
    • Image processing
    • Circuit technology
    • Digital circuit technology and hardware description language
    • Vehicle Dynamics

  • Contents

    • Project management
    • Risk management
    • Quality management
    • Requirements management
    • Process Improvement, CMMI, SPICE
    • Software product lines
    • Soft skills in software and system development
    • Automotive supply chain management
    • Cost structures and cost analysis in consideration of sustainability

  • Contents

    • Real-Time Linux
    • Real-time operating systems
    • Modelling of mechatronic systems
    • Function development/rapid prototyping
    • Software engineering of secure systems
    • Software testing and test management
    • HiL and system tests

  • Contents

    • Vehicle electrical system design
    • Car IT security
    • LIN bus
    • CAN bus
    • Ethernet in the automobile
    • CarToX
    • Vehicle diagnostics: basics, standards and challenges

  • Contents

    • Modern three-phase drives
    • Electromobility
    • Battery systems - battery technology
    • Battery storage systems/ charging
    • Fuel cells
    • Electromagnetic compatibility
    • Innovative outlook

  • The Master thesis is written in the fourth semester.

    The Master thesis is written in English and should be completed in the fourth semester, but no earlier than after 40 credit points have been earned. A total of 90 credit points must be earned for the degree. If the Master thesis is completed without the support of the employer, an extension of the study programme is to be expected.

Studies and organisational matters

Ensuring everything runs smoothly

How is the Master's programme organised? Where do the lectures take place? What admission requirements do I have to fulfil? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

  • The modules take place in the form of week-long blocks from Saturday to Saturday (excluding Sunday) from 08.15 am to approx. 16.45 pm with classroom attendance. To make it easier to plan your professional and private activities, all dates are fixed before the start of the study programme. The detailed timetables are announced well in advance. The early notification of all dates and the block week system allow you to easily combine your studies with a full-time job and private commitments.

    All courses take place on the OTH Regensburg campus. The entire infrastructure of the university is available to you during your studies (IT equipment, library, student house, cafeteria, university sports etc.). You are enrolled as a regular student.

  • The accreditation was carried out by the internal accreditation procedure of OTH Regensburg for the award of the seal of the Accreditation Council. It was approved by the internal accreditation commission on 14 April 2023. 

  • There are several admission routes that lead to entry into the part-time Master programme in Automotive Electronics:

    • You have studied electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, computer engineering or completed another related degree programme at a German or foreign university and graduated with a diploma or bachelor's degree (overall examination result of 2.9 or better).
    • In addition, you can provide evidence of at least one year of relevant professional experience. Proof of three to five years of professional practice would be ideal.
    • Furthermore, you can demonstrate English language skills comparable to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages. You must be familiar with basic English-language terms from the field of electronic engineering and be able to present technical facts orally and in writing.
    • If German is not your native language, you can provide evidence of written and spoken German language skills of at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages. Here you can find information on recognized proof of German langue skills.
    • Along with these certificates, you will also take part in a consultation interview. The dates for the interview will be announced well in advance.

    If you cannot yet provide evidence of the required one year of professional experience, you can take individual modules in advance in the form of modular studies. If you enter the programme at a later date, we will credit you for the module achievements both in terms of content and financially.

Benefit from pooled competence


Professors and lecturers from the OTH Regensburg, the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences and experienced lecturers from the automotive industry teach and accompany you during your studies.


The first step towards the future

Inform and apply

Tuition fees

15,300 € total (four semester instalments of 3,800 € each for the 1st to 3rd semesters and 3,900 € for the 4th semester), plus student union fee and RVV semester ticket; from the 5th semester and for each additional semester the following costs apply: 250 €, plusstudent union fee/RVV semester ticket

your contact persons


Programme director

Prof. Dr. Christian Schimpfle
Phone: 0941 943-1113
E-mail: studiengangsleitung-mae(at)

Programme coordinator

Bianca Hirthammer
Phone: 0941 943-9832
E-mail: mae(at)