Study Management and Communications part-time
No matter your industry, when it comes to leadership everyone is in the same boat: complete your profile as a (future) leader with the part-time Master's in Management and Communications.
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What is the (part-time) Management and Communications degree programme about?
Those who want to lead others must be prepared to continuously reflect on their own behaviour. This is best achieved among equals and in a protected setting. In the Master's in Management and Communications, we simulate situations, processes and decisions that managers face every day. Students then reflect together on the academic course content in relation to these practical challenges from professional life. Different options for action are sought and discussed. Case studies are only one of many didactic tools for professional development at Master's level. This degree provides academics with professional experience with the necessary skills to take on leadership and management tasks and enables them to manage communication processes in companies and organisations in a professional manner. The degree also qualifies the holder to pursue a doctorate and apply for higher-level public service positions.
"Leadership and management tasks are still all too often assigned to people in organisations as mere 'additional tasks'," complains Dr Reinhard K. Sprenger, one of the most influential thinkers on the subject of leadership in Germany.
However, leadership and management are to a large extent based on communication and interaction. These can be learned and, to a certain extent, controlled. If you already have management experience, you can reflect on your practical, everyday experiences and supplement these insights with evidence-based academic knowledge.
If you are looking to to take the next step in your career, the programme will prepare you for your leadership responsibilities. You will benefit from the student community: your fellow students come from a wide variety of sectors: whether business, the non-profit sector or self-employment. Different perspectives on the core topics of "management" and "communication" are brought together and discussed, creating opportunities for new approaches and courses of action.
Structure and modules
How is the degree programme structured?
The degree programme is modular and may be completed in four semesters. It consists of three foundational modules and four advanced modules, as well as the Master's thesis module.
We will provide you with a large "toolbox" equipped with different tools and a strong academic foundation, suited to both the classic work environment and agile change processes: "It just works – from practice for practice."
Foundational modules:
- Leading and Guiding
- Social Science and Social Research
- Social Research and Evaluation
- Communication
Studies and organisational matters
So that everything runs smoothly
How is the degree structured? When do lectures take place? What else do I need to know about the part-time Master's in Management and Communications? You can find answers to these and other questions here.
The programme is part-time and lasts four semesters. Students must complete an empirical project and the Master's thesis. The programme is designed to be completed alongside full-time employment and family commitments. To make it easier to plan, dates are set six months in advance.
Lectures take place during a "block week" at the beginning of each of the first three semesters and on two weekends per month, always on Fridays from 14.30 pm to max. 19.30 pm and on Saturdays from 09.00 am to max. 18.30 pm. The month of August is usually free of lectures. In the fourth semester, apart from preparing their Master's thesis, students are only required to attend university on certain individual days.
Benefit from the concentrated competence
All lecturers are professors at OTH Regensburg or experienced lecturers with practical experience.

Programme director
Prof. Dr. Carl Heese
Phone: 0941 943-1082
E-mail: carl.heese(at)

Programme coordinator
Elke Gundel
Phone: 0941 943-9287
E-mail: leikom(at)