Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Study social work part-time

Do you already have a vocational qualification in the field of social work? Would you like to unlock the door to new professional development opportunities and continue your education to become a social worker (B.A.)? Study social work part-time!

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What is the (part-time) Social Work degree programme about?

State-recognised social education worker (B.A.) – you will have the right to use this professional title if you successfully complete the part-time Bachelor's in Social Work at the OTH Regensburg. The programme qualifies you for many areas of professional practice and offers two advantages: As a part-time Bachelor's programme, it enables you to obtain an undergraduate degree while still working and even without the standard university entrance qualification (Abitur). Our students appreciate the fact that they can easily plan their time and combine their studies, career and family life.

The course content offers students a broad foundation: the academic content includes the fundamentals of educational and social sciences, social work, law, health and human sciences. At the same time, students develop social and methodological skills and the ability to identify complex social problems, develop solution strategies and implement them. Through virtual teaching, students also acquire IT and media competence.


Strengths of the degree programme

Benefit from a decentralised study concept

Special features of the programme include a decentralised, multi-location learning concept and cooperation with regional partners. Our students do not only study at the OTH Regensburg, but also at other locations in Niederbayern (Lower Bavaria) and the Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate). This combination allows for a relatively flexible and individualised programme.

Use the new media | Virtual study

The programme utilises video conferencing systems, learning platforms, forums, virtual working groups and other virtual teaching settings to increase students' flexibility and save resources. More information on the different forms of teaching and learning can be found in the short film by the Teaching and Didactics Service Centre.

Close to professional practice

The programme places great value on relevance to professional practice. As our students already have professional experience, teaching builds on their existing knowledge. In addition, project work in cooperation with social and educational institutions occurs regularly throughout the course.

Career opportunities

What are my career prospects as a state-recognised social worker?

On completing your Bachelor's degree, you also acquire the professional title of "state-recognised social worker". Information on the various options open to you after graduation is summarised here:

  • After graduation, you can work in the following fields:

    • Child and youth welfare/state youth welfare office
    • Youth social work at schools/school social work
    • Occupational social work
    • Social work in a migration context
    • Health care
    • Resocialisation/support for at-risk persons
    • Disability support services
    • Social work with the elderly
    • Adult/further education
    • Drug and addiction support services
    • Counselling and prevention
    • Social/youth welfare planning

  • The Bachelor programme qualifies graduates for a related Master's degree.

Structure and modules

How is the degree programme structured?

This is a part-time course designed to be completed in eleven semesters (a reduction to nine semesters is possible through credit transfer). In-person lectures take place in one "block week" and approx. five weekend dates per semester (Friday afternoon and all day Saturday).

    • Basics of Educational Sciences
    • Basics of Sociology and Politics
    • Basics of Psychology and Medicine
    • Basics of Cultural and Media Education
    • Internship 

    • Introduction to Working in an Academic Context
    • Sociological and Political Accentuation
    • Methods in Social Work
    • Theoretical Basics of Social Work
    • Psychological and Medical Accentuation
    • Research and Development
    • Social and Personnel Management
    • Law
    • Socio-spatial Social Work
    • Inclusive Social Work 

    • Practice Transfer and Supplemental Seminar
    • Theoretical Approaches to Social Work
    • Child and Youth Care
    • Social Work with Various Age Groups
    • Migration-sensitive Social Work
    • Society and Migration
    • Gender and Diversity
    • Culture, Aesthetics, Media
    • Bachelor Thesis with Seminar

Studies and organisational matters

So that everything runs smoothly

How is the degree structured? When do lectures take place? What else do I need to know about the part-time Social Work degree? You can find answers to these and other questions here.

  • Each semester begins with an in-person block week at the OTH Regensburg, covering the foundational content for the semester. The other mandatory attendance times take up approx. 8 to 13 appointments, always on Friday afternoons and/or all day on Saturdays. The dates are announced around six months in advance.

    In addition to lectures at the OTH Regensburg and the online modules, classes also take place at participating learning locations. We currently cooperate with learning locations in Abensberg, Cham, Tirschenreuth and Zwiesel.

    Abensberg, a town with a feel-good atmosphere, offers social work students ideal study conditions. In the Aventinum Culture and Education Centre, located in the centre of the historic old town, students have access to well-equipped rooms with a great ambience.

    In Cham, lectures take place at the State Vocational School. Here you can find more information about the educational network in the regionand the district of Cham.

    The town of Tirschenreuthattaches great importance to its development as an educational and business location. Here, lectures take place in the historic "Fronfeste". The listed building was renovated especially for this purpose and the outside area was redesigned. The opening ceremony in 2020 was a milestone in the town's educational history.

    The Don Bosco Campus for the Social Professions in Zwiesel, with its nationally recognised, more than 70 year-old vocational training centre, the Institute for Education and Development in the Diocese of Passau e. V., is an educational centre in the tradition of Catholic youth social work and social pedagogy. The Episcopal See of Passau and the "Caritasverband" of the Diocese of Passau e. V. provide the rooms for lectures.

  • The degree programme is accredited and bears the seal of the Accreditation Council.

  • The requirement for admission to the degree programme is a qualification as a Childcare worker or Social Care worker Special educational assistant. 

    All prospective students must attend an interview with one of our advisors to qualify for enrolment.

Benefit from our combined expertise


Our lecturers have many years of professional experience and numerous contacts in industry. Thanks to small semester groups, they can work closely with their students and guarantee intensive support.

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The first step towards the future

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Tuition fees

8,820 € in total, usually 9 semesters (subject semesters 3 - 11) á 980 €, plus student union fee and RVV semester ticket; from the 12th semester onwards, the following costs apply per semester: 250 €, plusstudent union fee/RVV semester ticket


your contact persons


Programme director

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Schöpf
Phone: 0941 943-9320
Office hours: Thursday, 14.00 pm - 15.00 pm (appointments by e-mail) and by appointment; during the semster break: by appointment only

Programme coordinator

Jana Faerber
Phone: 0941 943-9280
E-mail: jana.faerber(at)

Programme coordinator

Kathrin Söldner
Phone: 0941 943-9221
E-mail: bb-sozialearbeit(at)