Student Convention
Who are we?
The convention is the legislative body of the student representation, essentially the student parliament. Thus, we decide on all cross-faculty matters, which are important for students. The composition of the convention (see below) ensures that the interests of all students – from engineering to social sciences – can be represented. We organize ourselves in various task fields, so everyone can participate in the topics that are especially important to them.
The Student Convention includes:
a) the two student senators
b) the two members of the departmental student representation with the most votes per faculty
c) 16 additional directly elected student representatives
The chair and the deputy chair are elected from among the members of the Student Convention.
Speakers' Council
Who are we?
We lead the meetings of the Student Convention and its task fields and implement the decisions made there. Thus, we work closely with the university management. We also have a say in the allocation of financial resources, which have an impact for every student.
The Speakers' Council consists of seven members. The chairperson of the Student Convention and the two senates are automatically part of it. The other four members are elected by the Student Convention.
Your Speakers' Council 2023/24:
- Simon Chrisostome (Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics): Chair of the Student Convention
- Klaus Zuchs (Faculty of Business and Management): Chair of the Speakers' Council
- Helena Behr (Faculty of Business and Management): Deputy Chair of the Speakers' Council
- Lukas Läpple (Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics): Member of the Senate
- Korbinian Graf (Faculty of Electrical Enigneering and Information Technology): Member of the Senate
- Vera Zink (Faculty of Social and Health Care Sciences)
- Derk Siebert (Faculty of Social and Health Care Sciences)
Student Representatives in the Senate and University Council
Two student respresentatives are member of the Senate and the University Council. The Senate's tasks include cross-faculty academic matters such as the approval of examination and study regulations. The University Council, among other things, elects the president and decides on and the university development planning.
Student Representatives in the Faculty Council
Each faculty has this body, which advises or decides on faculty-internal topics such as the hiring of new professors, schedules, and study plans, or the use of study fees. The four departmental student representatives represent the interests of their fellow students here.
Student House Room Y002
Seybothstraße 2
93053 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 941 943 9825
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
08.00 am - 12.00 pm
Room Usage Application
Our Mission Statement
We, the student representatives of the student departments, faculty councils, student convention, senate, and speakers' council …
... commit to peaceful coexistence, free speech, inclusion and integration, equality, freedom of religion, secularism, diversity, and sustainability
... explicitly condemn any form of extremism or discrimination such as racism, anti-semitism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, etc.
... promote democratic culture, meaning participation and pluralism, constructive and open discourse
... stand for respectful, appreciative, and trusting interactions with students, teachers, employees, and guests on campus
... strengthen community spirit and solidarity among students and support volunteer engagement, diverse student initiatives, and projects
... commit to a supportive, diverse, and accessible learning environment that provides the best conditions for academic success
... see the joy of learning, personality development, and critical reflection of the learning content as fundamental components of study
... want to be a trustworthy voice for all students, open to constructive criticism and new ideas