
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stadler

User Experience für digitale Produkte und ⠀ Virtual Reality




  • Stadler, S. and Chardonnet, J.-R. (2023) ‘Embracing Virtual Reality: Empowering
    Professionals in the Design Process‘ in SmartVR/AR/MR Systems for Professionals.
    Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton.

    Stadler, S., Braun, C., & Frenkler, F. (2023) ‘The Usage of Mixed Reality for
    Presentations: A Comparative Evaluation’, Proceedings of the 2023 International XRMetaverse
    Conference, Las Vegas, USA (to be published in Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., & Frenkler, F. (2023) ‘Assessing Heuristic Evaluation in
    Immersive Virtual Reality — A Case Study on Future Guidance Systems’,
    Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(19). doi.org

    Frenkler. F., Herbst-Gaebel, B., Molls, M., Stadler, S., and Vossenkuhl, W. (2023)
    ‘The State of Design‘, TUM Media Press.

    Stadler, S., (2022) ‘Potential Usages of Virtual Reality in Design Research and
    Practice – A Review‘ proceedings of the 4th International Conference Business Meets
    Technology, 7th -9th July 2022, Ansbach, Germany.

    Stadler, S. (2021) ‘The Integration of Virtual Reality into the Design Process‘,
    [Dissertation] Technische Universität München.

    Stadler, S. and Frenkler, F. (2021) ‘Design Thinking und Virtual Reality zur Förderung
    von Innovation innerhalb Unternehmen‘ in Kraus, R., Kreitenweis, T., Jeraj, B. (eds)
    Intrapreneurship – Unternehmergeist, Systeme und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.
    Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., and Frenkler, F. (2020) ‘Criteria Evaluation of a Virtual
    Reality Platform to Investigate People’s Behaviour towards Autonomous Vehicles’
    in Proceedings of the 19th Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference and &
    Exhibition (DSC2020), Antibes, 9. - 11.09.2020

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., and Frenkler, F. (2020) ‘Collecting People’s Preferences in
    immersive Virtual Reality: A Case Study on Public Spaces in Singapore, Germany, and
    France’ in Proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS) 2020, Brisbane,
    Australia, 11-14 August, doi: 10.21606/drs.2020.308

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., Mazeas, D., Chardonnet, J.-R., and Frenkler, F. (2020) ‘ImPro:
    Immersive Prototyping in Virtual Environments For Industrial Designers’
    in Proceedings of the DESIGN 2020 16th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik,
    Croatia, 18 - 21 May, doi: 10.1017/dsd.2020.81

    Kong, P., Stadler, S., Forchhammer, N., and Cornet, H. (2020) Menschzentrierte
    Gestaltung für ein autonomes Mobilitätssystem in Singapur. ATZ Extra 25, 38–43
    (2020). doi: 10.1007/s35778-020-0112-5

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., Huang, D., and Frenkler, F. (2019) ‘Designing Tomorrow’s
    Human-Machine Interfaces in Autonomous Vehicles: An Exploratory Study in Virtual
    Reality’, in Jung, T. H., tom Dieck, M. C, and Rauschnabel, P. (eds) Augmented Reality
    and Virtual Reality. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham.

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H. and Frenkler, F. (2019) ‘A Study in Virtual Reality on (Non -)
    Gamers’ Attitudes and Behaviors’, in Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on
    Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces. Osaka. doi: 10.1109/VR.2019.8797750

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., Novaes Theoto, T. and Frenkler, F. (2019) ‘A Tool, not a Toy:
    Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate the Communication Between Autonomous Vehicles
    and Pedestrians’, in tom Dieck, M. C. and Jung, T. H. (eds) Augmented Reality and
    Virtual Reality. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06246-0_15.

    Cornet, H., Stadler, S., Kong, P., Marinkovic, G., P. M. Sathikh, and F. Frenkler (2018)
    ‘User-centered design of autonomous mobility for public transportation in Singapore’
    Transportation Research Procedia 41(191-203). doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2019.09.038
    2018 Stadler, S. (2018), ‘VR for Evaluating Autonomous Vehicle HMIs’ Poster Session
    Presented at the 2nd Winter School: Human Factors Aspects of Cooperative Systems
    Design (HUFACO 2018), Munich, Germany.

    Stadler, S. and Cornet, H. (2018)‘Virtual design – systematic integration of virtual
    reality into the design process’ Workshop – PhD by Design at the Design Research
    Society Conference 2018 (DRS 2018), p.59. Limerick, Ireland.

    Stadler, S., Cornet, H., Kong, P., & Frenkler, F. (2017) ‘How can communication
    between Autonomous Vehicles & Humans be improved by using Virtual Reality?
    A safe, cost- and time- efficient method for the validation of Human Machine
    Interaction concepts in the context of public transportation in Singapor’ Asia – Design
    Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS). Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

    Stadler, S. (2017): Virtual Reality Environments for Presentation, Elaboration,
    and Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles for Public Transportation in Singapore, 1st
    Research Alumni Conference – Living and Mobility in Smart Cities, TUM. University
    Press, p.68-74, doi: 10.14459/2017md1429192