The financial support of the Deutschlandstipendium comprises 300 euros per month, which is awarded irrespective of income.


The Deutschlandstipendium is granted for a period of twelve months (1 October to 30 September).


The Deutschlandstipendium 2024/2025 will be awarded to 107 students at OTH Regensburg.


53 sponsors are funding the Deutschlandstipendium 2024/2025 at OTH Regensburg.

The Deutschlandstipendium supports high-achieving students in consideration of:

  • previous achievements in school, training and studies
  • social, societal, church, political or university-internal commitment
  • successes, awards and prizes as well as
  • special personal or family circumstances, employment during studies or a migration background

Information for ...



Applications for the Deutschlandstipendium are submitted via an online application process.

The application period is expected to begin in May/June 2025. It will be published on this website as soon as it is known.

Important: It is not possible to apply before the start or after the end of the application period. Only applications via the online application process will be considered.

For questions please refer to our FAQ's.

Admission requirements

Eligible for funding:

  • Students who are enrolled at OTH Regensburg and still have at least two semesters of the standard period of study ahead of them.
  • Applicants who meet the admission requirements for the course and are about to start their studies at OTH Regensburg.

Not eligible for funding:

  • Doctorates
  • Students who receive other talent- and performance-related material support that exceeds a monthly average of 30 euros per semester.
Two men shake hands
Photo: AdobeStock / insta_photos


Your advantages

Targeted support for talented individuals

With a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, you support talented young people in developing their talents. As a sponsor, you choose the subject area for which you would like to award a scholarship.

Contact with junior staff

You get to know talented students at OTH Regensburg personally and can draw their attention to your company with your own offers.

Positive image

We recognize your commitment on our website and in OTH Regensburg publications. In addition, you will receive the Deutschlandstipendium sponsorship logo and a confirmation of sponsorship signed by the university management, which you can use to draw attention to your commitment both within the company and in the public eye.

Small donation - big impact

With just 150 euros a month, you can lay the foundation for a scholarship of 300 euros a month. The funding amount for an annual scholarship is 1,800 euros. Smaller donations from private individuals are of course also welcome. You can find out more about this here.

Strengthening the region

You take responsibility for education and the next generation of skilled workers in Regensburg and contribute to strengthening the region as a business and science location.

Expansion of your network

You strengthen your network with OTH Regensburg and the students.

We would like to thank our sponsors 2024/2025!

42 Coding Solutions GmbH * AVL Software and Functions GmbH * Bayernwerk Netz GmbH * Blasch Architekten Regensburg * BPR Dr. Schäpertöns Consult GmbH & Co. KG * Christa Lindner Stiftung * Christine Süß-Gebhard * Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH * Dichtungstechnik Wallstabe & Schneider GmbH & Co. KG * Brigitta und Oskar Braumandl Stiftung * Dömges Architekten AG * DV Plan GmbH * E.ON Accounting Solutions GmbH * Edmund-Bradatsch-Stiftung * Elfi Esser * emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA * Ferdinand Tausendpfund GmbH * Götz-Gebäudemanagement Nordbayern GmbH & Co. KG * HORSCH Maschinen GmbH * IFB Eigenschenk GmbH * Infineon Technologies AG * invenio GmbH Engineering Services * Jepsen Betriebs GmbH & Co. KG * Judith Grieshaber * Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Regensburg e.V. * Kaufland Dienstleistungen SÜD-OST GmbH & Co. KG * Lars und Christian Engel (LUCE) Stiftung * Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG * Peter Esser * POSAS GmbH * Rainer Markgraf Stiftung * Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG * Roswitha und Herbert Hielscher Stiftung * Rotary Club Regensburg * Scheubeck-Jansen Stiftung * Scheugenpflug GmbH * Schneider Electric Sachenwerk GmbH * SCHOTT AG * Sonplas GmbH * Starkstrom-Gerätebau GmbH * Stiftung zur Förderung der OTH Regensburg * STRABAG AG - Direktion Bayern Nord * TRAGRAUM Ingenieure PartmbB * TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH * Vector Informatik GmbH * Verein der Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V. * Vitesco Technologies GmbH * Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Regensburg-Schwandorf eG * Wacker Chemie AG * Werkvolk-Kierner-Stiftung * Wolfgang und Theresa Jepsen Stiftung * ZF Friedrichshafen AG * Zwick Ingenieure GmbH

Frequently asked questions


  • Earliest time for an application: directly before the start of studies at OTH Regensburg in the winter semester

    Latest time for an application: two semesters before the end of the standard period of study (please note the point "Corona and standard period of study")

    The application for the Deutschlandstipendium takes place via an online application procedure.

    The application period is expected to begin in May/June 2025. It will be published on this website as soon as it is known.

    Applications are only possible during this period. Only applications via the online application procedure will be considered.

    Important: It is not possible to apply before the start or after the end of the application period.

  • Scholarship holders are selected by a central selection committee.

    The selection committee consists of ...

    • a member of the university management,
    • the Women's Representative,
    • a student representative in the Senate and
    • the SLC Service Center officer responsible for awarding scholarships.

  • The following documents must be attached to the online application as a pdf:

    • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
    • Certificate of study / certificate of enrolment from OTH Regensburg (applicants can submit their certificate of study after receipt)
    • Proof of ECTS points earned to date (only for applicants in the 2nd or higher semester);
    • If you are starting your first Master's semester in the winter semester 2024/2025, please submit your Bachelor's certificate.

    Please note: If you completed your Bachelor's degree or University entrance qualification outside of Germany, please also submit the transfer of your final grade into the German grading system (e.g. VPD - preliminary review documentation from uniassist).

    • Copy of the university entrance qualification certificate (uncertified)
      • general or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or
      • Proof of special qualification
    • If applicable, copy of the final certificate of vocational training and the employer's reference (uncertified)
    • Proof of employment during studies, prizes, awards, successes, extracurricular or extra-curricular activities
    • Signed application agreement: You can find the application agreement in the application portal. Please fill out the last page of this document, sign it and upload it as an attachment

    Please note: Only complete application documents can be considered for the Deutschlandstipendium. Documents can only be uploaded within the application period.

  • No. Proof of grades from QIS is sufficient.

  • The criteria on which the selection is based are

    • previous academic achievements/grade of the university entrance qualification
    • Special achievements, awards and prizes
    • extracurricular/professional commitment
      • social commitment outside the university (with proof) and/or
      • commitment within the university (with proof)
    • Family and personal circumstances
      • e.g. studying with a child, first-time academic status in the family, second-chance education, migration background, caring for relatives in need of care/ill relatives, own serious illness, etc.

  • This refers to voluntary work that benefits society. For example, voluntary work (at an animal shelter, in the community, in a sports club, etc.), political involvement, participation in religious communities, associations and societies.

    Involvement within the university can also be listed here (membership of faculty councils, student councils, university-related associations, speaker's council, etc.).

  • A Deutschlandstipendium can only be received during the standard period of study.

    Due to the corona situation, the following provision was made in Art. 99 para. 2 BayHSchG:

    (2) For students enrolled in the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/2021, summer semester 2021 or winter semester 2021/2022 in a course of study at a state or state-recognized higher education institution and not on leave of absence, an individual standard period of study deviating from the standard period of study applies. The individual standard period of study corresponds to the standard period of study extended by one semester for each semester in which the requirements according to sentence 1 are met. Insofar as paragraph 1 specifies the extension of deadlines, the regulations made there are conclusive.

    This means an individual standard period of study for students enrolled in the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/2021, summer semester 2021 and/or winter semester 2021/2022. The standard period of study is extended by each semester in which you were/are enrolled in these semesters and not on leave of absence at the same time.


    - Standard period of study: 7 semesters

    - You are in the 7th semester in summer semester 2021

    - You were enrolled in summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/2021 and summer semester 2021--> individual standard period of study is 10 semesters (i.e. 7 regular semesters +3 "corona semesters")

    - You can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium for the next funding period, as your standard period of study is individually extended.

  • No, there is no age limit.

  • Yes, the scholarship can be combined with BAföG funding.

  • The scholarship continues to be paid for studies abroad and internships related to the course of study.

  • In addition to a first degree course, second and supplementary degree courses as well as Master's degree courses are also eligible for funding.

    Dual study courses and part-time study courses are also eligible for funding.

  • Yes, the minimum funding period is two semesters of standard study time. If you complete your Bachelor's degree in the winter semester of the funding period within the standard period of study and immediately start a Master's degree at OTH Regensburg in the following summer semester, you can apply. Please explain your plans accordingly in your letter of motivation.

    Further funding in the summer semester requires that you actually complete your Bachelor's degree within the standard period of study and are enrolled in a Master's degree program at OTH Regensburg immediately afterwards. A corresponding review will therefore take place at the beginning of the summer semester.

  • As a scholarship holder, you undertake to participate in the evaluation of your academic performance and the scholarship program.

    Any changes that are significant for the approval of the scholarship must be reported immediately.

    As a scholarship holder, you are also an ambassador for the scholarship program. The Deutschlandstipendium thrives on the exchange between donors and students. You should therefore take part in events within the framework of the program and be open to the idealistic support offered by the donors. See this as an opportunity to expand your personal network.


  • Half of the scholarship is provided by private sponsors and the other half by the federal government. The scholarship is paid out by the respective university.

  • Yes, the scholarship only supports students who are already enrolled at OTH Regensburg or applicants who meet the admission requirements for studying at OTH Regensburg and are about to start their studies at OTH Regensburg.

  • The scholarship amounts to € 300 per month in the funding year (October 1 to September 30 of the following year). The amount of the scholarship is independent of your own and your parents' income.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Your contact person

Bild von Person
Christine Ilmberger. Foto: OTH Regensburg/Hilde Wagner

Christine Ilmberger B.A.

Student Lifecycle Center

Career Service

Phone: 0941 943-9760

E-Mail: deutschlandstipendium(at)oth-regensburg.de

Galgenbergstraße 30, D 105; 93053 Regensburg