The Deutschlandstipendium at the OTH Regensburg
The Deutschlandstipendium is a national scholarship program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It supports talented and high-achieving students at OTH Regensburg with a one-year scholarship. Half of the scholarship is paid for by private sponsors, companies and foundations, while the other half is paid for by the federal government.
The financial support of the Deutschlandstipendium comprises 300 euros per month, which is awarded irrespective of income.
The Deutschlandstipendium is granted for a period of twelve months (1 October to 30 September).
The Deutschlandstipendium 2024/2025 will be awarded to 107 students at OTH Regensburg.
53 sponsors are funding the Deutschlandstipendium 2024/2025 at OTH Regensburg.