Process management and document management

A process is a logical and chronological sequence of events. Processes are recorded in database-supported modeling software. Here, in coordination with the person responsible for the process, all essential procedures, interfaces and process participants are mapped in a process graphic. This information can then be used to generate a detailed verbal process flow description.

The aim of process management is to define, record and document those processes that are of overarching importance and affect several stakeholders from different units of the university. Potential for improvement is derived in the course of process recording.

In addition to the transparency of processes for all members of the university, this also creates a continuous improvement management system.

Once the processes have been approved, they are systematically integrated into the OTH Regensburg process map.

A distinction is made between the following process types:

  • Management processes provide guidelines and framework conditions for strategic and operational university management, which also includes quality management
  • Core processes are determined by the actual tasks of the university and are divided into "Qualification and Education", "Research and Development" and "Continuing Education and Support"
  • Support processes relate in particular to the various administrative tasks and services to support the core and management processes

Parallel to the processes, university-wide documents are also managed and published centrally. These include, among others: External guidelines from ministries, guidelines from the university management, service agreements with the staff council, general information from the organizational units and application forms.

Processes and documents for employees are published online via the OTH Regensburg document portal . The document portal has the following advantages:

  • The up-to-dateness of all processes and documents is ensured by setting a revision date and the associated evaluation
  • Assigned process and document managers are clearly visible for queries
  • Workflows are displayed transparently in the processes
  • User-friendly functionalities, such as personal favorites and various search functions, make daily work easier

All university staff are actively involved in the continuous improvement of processes within the process and document management system.

Relevant processes and documents are made available to students via the document portal for students.