The Staff Council of OTH Regensburg

The BayPVG lies on a table. On top of the book is a ballpoint pen with the OTH logo.
Photo: OTH Regensburg/Petra Knoch

Contact us

E-Mail: personalrat(at)
Phone: 0941 943-1103

Dzenet Mulasalihovic
Mon - Wed 07:00 am - 1:00 pm or by appointment
Office: V 101

Appointments by arrangement

Information on the Staff Council

The Staff Council can only help you with problems relating to your working environment if it is aware of these problems. If you need help, please contact the staff council member you trust if you have any questions or difficulties.

Tasks and rights

  • The Staff Council can express concerns about an intended measure; the administration must comment on this (e.g. extraordinary dismissal, construction measures).

  • The department must discuss the matter with the Staff Council (e.g. job design, ordinary dismissal).

  • The staff council can actively submit proposals that are subject to co-determination or participation (e.g. application for the introduction of flexible working hours, as there is a right of co-determination for the start and end of daily working hours).

  • All measures subject to co-determination can only be implemented with the consent of the Staff Council (e.g. recruitment, promotions).

Who are we?

Beatrice Lührmann sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Jürgen Kolouch

Beatrice Lührmann

Chairwoman of the Staff Council, employee group representative

I have been working at OTH Regensburg in the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Cultural Studies since 2011

Petra Knoch sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Sandra Seidl

Petra Knoch

1st Deputy Chairwoman of the Staff Council, Employee Representative

I have been working at the OTH Regensburg in the Faculty of Business and Management since 1993

Klaus Kagerer sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Robert Deibl

Klaus Kagerer

2nd Deputy Chairman of the Staff Council, Group Representative of Civil Servants

I have been working at OTH Regensburg in the Faculty of Civil Engineering since 1995

Robert Deibl sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Klaus Kagerer

Robert Deibl

Extended member of the Executive Board, group representative of civil servants

I have been working at OTH Regensburg in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology since 1998

Dzenet Mulasalihovic sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Maria Ettmüller

Dzenet Mulasalihovic


I have been working at OTH Regensburg as secretary to the staff council since 2019.

Kristin Hoffmann sits on an orange circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Petra Schmöller

Kristin Hoffmann

Employee representative

I have been working at OTH Regensburg in the Quality Management and Organization department since 2015

Florian Moosbauer sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Robert Deibl

Florian Moosbauer

Employee representative

I have been working at OTH Regensburg in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology since 2018

Verena Obermeier sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Lena Frischholz

Verena Obermeier

Employee representative

I have been working at OTH Regensburg in the study department since 2008.

Michael Petschenka

Employee representation

I work at OTH Regensburg in the Buildings and Technology department

Franz Wagner sits on a green circle in the meadow. The OTH building in the background
Photo: Lena Frischholz

Franz Wagner

Employee representation

I have been working at the OTH Regensburg in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since 1992

Thomas Zimmerer

Employee representation

I work at the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Cultural Studies