
Health insurance

I want to enrol as a student and have to provide proof of health insurance. What do I need to do?

  • If you have chosen public / statutory insurance, please contact your health insurance company and inform them that you are planning to enrol at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg. Your health insurance company will then send us a digital notification known as M10. Please note that we cannot accept any insurance membership certificates in PDF or paper form. Our institution number is H0000048 (please provide this to your insurance company if necessary).

    If you have questions about public vs. private insurance, please check the website of the DAAD.

  • If the insurance from your home country is not accepted in Germany and you are over 30 years old, you may have chosen a private health insurance for Germany. In this case, please contact any public health insurance company in Germany with your insurance documents. Please inform them that you would like to enrol at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg and remain privately insured. The health insurance company will then send us a digital notification of your exemption from public insurance. Please note that we cannot accept an insurance membership certificate from your private health insurance instead of the exemption. Our institution number is H0000048.

    If you have questions about public vs. private insurance, please check the website of the DAAD.

  • If you are already insured in another EU country, your insurance may be accepted in Germany. If that is the case, you need to apply from exemption from compulsory public insurance. To do that, please contact any public health insurance company in Germany, send them your insurance documents and inform them that you would like to enrol at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg. The health insurance company will then send us a digital notification of exemption. Please note that we cannot accept any insurance membership certificates in paper form. Our institution number is H0000048.

    If you are coming from a non-EU country and/or are over 30 years old, you need to take on public or private health insurance which is valid in Germany. The website of the DAAD should help you better understand your options and choose the type of insurance which is best for you. After you have chosen your insurance, please ask your insurance company to send us a digital confirmation message of your insurance, or (if you have chosen private insurance) apply for exemption as instructed above.   



I am already studying at OTH Regensburg and would like to change health insurance companies.

Please contact your newly chosen health insurance company and inform them that you are studying with us and would like to change health insurance companies. Your newly chosen health insurance company will then send us a digital notification which we will then confirm and return digitally. Our institution number is H0000048.

Accident insurance

Students are covered by statutory accident insurance during their education and training at universities.

Accidents on a route to and from the place of work related to the insured activity also apply (Section 8 para. 2 no. 1-4 SGB VII).

When assessing the insurance cover, it is important to consider whether the activity is part of the university's organizational area of responsibility. It is always necessary that there is an essential internal connection between the education and training at the university and the student's activity.

In the case of students, this association only applies to study-related activities that are carried out in direct temporal and spatial connection with the university and its facilities. In addition to direct participation in university events, these activities include visiting other higher education institutions, such as libraries, seminars and institutes for study purposes or participating in excursions, but not studies or work in the private or domestic sphere, even if they are required as preparation for examinations. It is always crucial that the activity - if it is to be covered by insurance - is part of the university's organizational responsibilities.

Students complete an internship as stipulated in the study and examination regulations either before, during or after finishing their studies. Likewise, non-compulsory internships that are completed in connection with the studies for reasons of practicality are possible as well. In the case of these internships, the university has no direct influence on the way in which they are carried out or on the procedure. During the internship, the students are integrated into the company's operations and thus meet the requirements for employees according to Section 2, Paragraph 1, No. 1 SGB VII. It is irrelevant for the evaluation of the internships under accident insurance law whether they are mandatory or voluntary in the study and examination regulations. The accident insurance institution covering the internship company is responsible (Section 133 Paragraph 1 SGB VII).

If you have any questions regarding this information, only the Bayerische Landesunfallkasse can provide answers. We recommend sending an e-mail.

Any such accident must be reported immediately, i.e. without undue delay, to the Admissions and Organisation Office by means of an accident report Unfallanzeige, or, in addition, by means of a commuter accident questionnaire Wegeunfallfragebogen sent by e-mail.

Liability insurance

As a student, you are liable for any personal injury and damage to property you have caused in connection with your studies (especially during the practical semesters and when preparing your thesis) in accordance with the general liability regulations. Therefore, we strongly advise you to take out personal liability insurance which will cover many of the claims for damages caused through the fault, negligence, etc. of the policy holder. This is especially important for students who work with high-quality, sometimes very sensitive equipment throughout their studies, especially during technical exercises and internships. You can find further information and an application form in this info sheet.

Pension and unemployment insurance

If you do not have a job on the side, you do not have to pay into a pension insurance plan. This also applies to the period of the compulsory internship, regardless of how much money you earn. However, if you work on the side, you and your employer may have to pay contributions to the statutory pension insurance. You are generally exempt from unemployment insurance.

Pension certificates

Are you a former student (alumni) and does your pension insurance require you to submit a certificate about your studies? Are you unable to find the certificate that was issued when your enrolment was terminated? Please fill out the form V510 and send it to us by e-mail. We will verify the information, fill out the form and send it back to you.