Master of Arts (M.A.)

Study Logistics

Lean management, digitalisation and sustainability interest you?
Would you like to learn how to design lean, resource-saving logistics processes and make optimal use of the possibilities of digitalisation?
In the Master's degree programme in Logistics you’ll receive the tools for your professional success, oriented to the requirements of operational practice.

application info


What is the logistics degree about?

As logistics experts, you need a sound understanding of processes, the possibilities for automation and how to design contemporary IT solutions.

These are precisely the focal points of our interdisciplinary Master's programme in Logistics, which is offered cooperatively by the faculties of Business Studies, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science/Mathematics.












Strengths of the degree programme

Interdisciplinary orientation

In this degree programme, you will not learn a one-sided approach to logistics. You will understand it as an interaction between business, computer science, mathematics and mechanical engineering.

Career opportunities

What career prospects do I have as a graduate of the Master's in Logistics?

Typical roles for logistics experts

  • Procurement and supply chain management, e.g. in strategic and operational purchasing;
  • Logistics planning, e.g. for the realisation of a new logistics centre;
  • Supply planning, e.g. for the start-up phase of new projects;
  • Management consulting, e.g. with a focus on digitalisation;
  • Operational management, e.g. logistics management.

Structure and modules

How is the degree programme structured?

The degree is designed as a full-time programme lasting 3 semesters. The fundamental principles learned in the Bachelor's degree are examined in more detail. You also have the opportunity to choose from various elective modules to shape your studies according to your own interests and skills.

    • Data Science in Logistics
    • Smart Logistics Processes
    • Business Process Optimisation
    • Material flow and production planning
    • Sustainability in the supply chain
    • Information systems

    • Material Flow Simulation
    • Innovation Management
    • Lean Management
    • Design of production systems
    • Procurement Processes
    • Distribution Logistics
    • Modules from the Regensburg School of Digital Science and many more.

  • The third semester consists of a project seminar in cooperation with industry and the Master's thesis, which is typically also carried out in cooperation with industry.

Studies and organisational matters

So that everything runs smoothly

Where do the lectures and internships take place? What else do I need to know? You can find answers to these and other questions here.

  • Lectures are mainly held at the main campus of the OTH Regensburg in the buildings of the Faculty of Business Studies:

    Building S
    Seybothstraße 2
    93053 Regensburg

  • Accreditation was awarded by the Internal Accreditation Commission on 14 February 2022. It is valid until 14 March 2029, subject to the fulfilment of conditions.

  • A semester or internship abroad is not explicitly required, but can be easily integrated into the degree course, ideally in the third semester. For a semester abroad, the Faculty of Business Studies has over 60 partner universities to choose from.

  • The study and examination regulations and the study plan are documents that contain the regulations governing studying and examinations. You can find them in the download area.

Application info

1. Please register in the OTH Regensburg application portal. It is not necessary to register with “Hochschulstart” for this degree programme.

2. The application process is entirely online. Please complete the online application and upload all required application documents.

3. Make sure you regularly check your status in the application portal. Here you can also see whether any documents are still missing. These documents must be submitted by the end of the deadline.

4. You will automatically receive email notifications via the application portal when your application status changes.

5. After your application has been processed, you will receive an e-mail with further information from the Admissions and Organisation Office of the OTH Regensburg as confirmation of receipt.


6.  If all application documents have been received within the application deadline and are valid, you will receive an e-mail with further information after the examination committee has checked the documents. Please note that it is no longer possible to apply after the application deadline.

7. So what comes next? You can find all the information you need in the section under "Admissions and enrolment".


For winter semesters:

Application period: 1 May – 15 June

For summer semesters:

Application period: 15 November – 15 January

1. Please register in the OTH Regensburg application portal.

2. The application process is entirely online. Please complete the online application and upload all required application documents. Important components of the application are your university entrance qualification, your current transcript of grades from your previous studies and the application for credit transfer. If further documents are required, they will be requested in the application portal.

3. Make sure you regularly check your status in the application portal. Here you can also see whether any documents are still missing. These documents must be submitted by the end of the deadline. Please note that it only makes sense to apply for a higher semester if you have already obtained credits in the same or a closely related degree programme. If this is not the case or if you are in doubt about receiving credit, please apply (additionally) for a first semester.

4. After your application has been processed, you will receive an e-mail with further information from the Admissions and Organisation Department of the OTH Regensburg as confirmation of receipt.


5. If all application documents have been received within the application deadline and are valid, you will receive an e-mail with further information after the examination committee has checked the documents. Please note that it is no longer possible to apply after the application deadline. 

6. The examination committee decides on the crediting of academic achievements and whether a placement in a higher semester is possible. This placement is based on the creditable achievements and not on the semesters completed. Please note that there may also be admission restrictions in the admission procedure for higher semesters. 

7. So what comes next? You can find all the information you need in the section under "Admissions and enrolment".




For the application for this Master's degree programme please submit your certificates and diplomas of your home country translated into German or English. The complete Bachelor's certificate with all subjects, the final grade and the grading scale is required. You can find detailed information in the admission requirements.



German language skills on level DSH 2 are required. You have to upload your German language certificate either when applying or when enrolling via the online portal.

These certificates are recognized as an alternative to the DSH 2 certificate:

  • TestDaF: TDN 4 in all sections of the exam
  • Studienkolleg: Feststellungsprüfung „Deutsch“
  • DSD: Level II with C1 in all sections of the exam
  • Goethe: C2
  • telc: telc Deutsch C2, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
  • ÖSD: C2

You can find more information for prospective international students on the web pages of the International Office.

Admission and enrolment

After the Master Commission has checked your documents, you will receive an admission or rejection notice by e-mail.
If you receive admission, you can immediately accept the place of study online in the application portal and upload the enrolment documents.
Enrolment generally takes place in August for a winter semester or in February for a summer semester.

Important information for online enrolment

Semester fee

The application for enrolment ("Antrag auf Immatrikulation") will include information about the current semester fee and the transfer details.


The following documents must normally be uploaded for online enrolment at the university:

  • Signed application for enrolment ("Antrag auf Immatrikulation") along with other documents required, depending on the individual case. You will receive this by e-mail.
  • Signed(declaration of consent regarding data protection (“Einwilligungserklärung zum Datenschutz”). You will receive this together with the application for enrolment.
  • Copy of valid identity card/passport
  • Digital notification of health insurance (M10), see the following notes "I would like to enrol. What do I have to do?"

I want to enrol as a student and have to provide proof of health insurance. What do I need to do?

  • Please contact your health insurance company and inform them that you would like to enrol at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg. That is all that you will need to do. Your health insurance company will then send us a digital notification which we will then confirm and return digitally. Please note that we cannot accept any insurance membership certificates in paper form. Our institution number is H0000048.

  • Please contact any statutory health insurance company in Germany with your insurance documents. Please inform the health insurance company that you would like to enrol at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg and remain privately insured. That is all that you will need to do. The health insurance company will then send us a digital notification of your exemption from compulsory insurance. Please note that we cannot accept an insurance membership certificate from your private health insurance. Our institution number is H0000048.

  • Please contact any statutory health insurance company in Germany with your insurance documents and inform them that you would like to enrol at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg. That is all that you will need to do. The health insurance company will then send us a digital notification. Please note that we cannot accept any insurance membership certificates in paper form. Our institution number is H0000048.