Photo, graphics, video and audio

Photos & Graphics

  1. In order to publish photos, graphics etc., the Communications Department must have the consent of the author (usually the photographer). This also applies if you receive photos or graphics from third parties. Clarify the rights to the photographic or graphic material by means of our usage agreement.
  2. For legal reasons, it is not permitted to publish photos or graphics without naming the author. We therefore ask you to always give us the first name and surname of the author (e.g. photographer).
  3. The consent of all persons depicted must be obtained with the help of this declaration of consent (of the model). In addition, the models must be given our information sheet on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Contact:Press media

Contact: Online media

Photo, video and audio recordings

A filming permit is required for film and photo shoots at OTH Regensburg. Please coordinate with the OTH Regensburg press department well beforehand or send yourapplication for a filming permit at least one week in advance.

Note: The operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (aeroplanes, helicopters, quadro/hexa/octocopters, etc.) on the premises of OTH Regensburg must also be approved.
