Internet presence

External websites

University members are not permitted to create and operate their own external websites in the name of OTH Regensburg. As far as possible, content is to be integrated into the central OTH Regensburg website.

Contact: Web content


Content adjustments

If you have any questions about the information structure of the central OTH Regensburg website (integration of new content, naming, assignment), please contact the web administrators of your faculty or institution or the contact persons in the Communications Department.

Contact: Web content

Profile pages in corporate design

Professors who are interested in having their own profile page in the OTH Regensburg corporate design should contact the web administrators of their faculty or contact the Communications Department.

Contact: Web content

Publications under "News"

The faculties, institutions and student associations of OTH Regensburg have the opportunity to publish articles under "News" on the central website of OTH Regensburg.

Please send your contribution together with one or two photos (at least 500 KB) including the photographer's first name and surname and details of the rights of use to the Communications Department.

Contact: Web content


Technical problems

If you have technical problems with the central website of OTH Regensburg, the intranet (TYPO3), please contact webrelaunch(at)