"Vielfalt gestalten" audit
From 2016 to 2018, OTH Regensburg took part in the Stifterverband's diversity audit "Vielfalt gestalten" (meaning: "shaping diversity"). In a two-year process, an overall concept for a diversity-oriented university culture was developed, which will be implemented in the future. According to the Stifterverband, many universities are still geared towards the "norm student" - "a high school graduate of German origin who takes up full-time studies immediately after leaving school and sees this as the centre of his life", as the association's website states.
However, it is no longer an exception that students bring different experiences and life circumstances with them. Considering this, the OTH Regensburg wants to develop and progress.
Motivation and Participants
OTH Regensburg wants to face up to its increasingly diverse members. The large number of measures for very different target groups should be conceptually linked in order to utilise synergies. A diversity strategy in the context of the general university strategy should be developed and implemented.
In addition to a steering group, a diversity steering committee was set up in which all faculties, the university management and all central institutions were represented.
During the audit, five workshops were held with an external auditor and the steering committee. In addition, five diversity forums were held for collegial exchange with other universities participating in the audit at the same time. Furthermore, the steering group met regularly and organised further smaller workshops.
Developed Understanding of diversity
A first successful result from the diversity audit was the development of a common understanding of diversity across the various faculties and to derive common strategic goals from it. On April 19, 2018, the extended university directorate adopted the following understanding of diversity:
"Diversity here refers to the variety of people and their cultures.
The OTH Regensburg's understanding of diversity is based on the characteristics mentioned in the university's mission statement: gender, origin, class, age, family obligations, religion and any disabilities or illnesses they may have.
With regards to teaching and studies, diversity at OTH Regensburg also means
- Diversity in affiliation to subject and faculty cultures and degree programmes
- Diversity in students' previous education
- Diversity in students' learning behaviours
- Diversity in lecturers' teaching methods
- ...
For the fields of research, further education, infrastructure and organisation, the understanding of diversity may need to be further specified. We strive to actively promote equal opportunity in line with OTH Regensburg's mission statement by further shaping our diverse campus with the help of active diversity management."
In terms of content, the diversity strategy did not focus on individual dimensions. Rather, the focus lies on recognising that diversity is everywhere and goes beyond the classic criteria.
Building on the understanding of diversity, the following overarching strategic goals were adopted:
- Diversity is understood as a social responsibility to which OTH Regensburg makes its contribution. Protection against discrimination is a given.
- Lived diversity is a profile-forming feature of OTH Regensburg.
- OTH Regensburg implements active diversity management and uses synergies with all other strategic topics.
With the focus on teaching and studies, further strategic goals were also specified:
Through active diversity management with regards to teaching and studying the university strives to...
- increase OTH Regensburg's attractiveness to different student groups. This also helps with securing qualified young talent for the region.
- strengthen identification with OTH Regensburg and create a lasting bond between (former) students and the university.
- create fair conditions so that students can achieve the best possible academic success according to their various personal requirements and their individual performance.
Re-audit 2022
After receiving the "Vielfalt gestalten" certificate from the Stifterverband in 2019, OTH Regensburg underwent a re-audit in 2022. In the re-audit, the developed measures and goals are reflected upon and new developments and goals are identified.
In November 2022, OTH Regensburg welcomed three representatives from the Stifterverband and a further four peers from other universities to discuss OTH Regensburg's diversity strategy as part of a peer review and to receive suggestions for its improvement.
With positive feedback and interesting suggestions for further development in the field of diversity, OTH Regensburg wants to continue to "shape diversity".
The extension of the certificate until 2026 reinforces this commitment.