What is sexual harassment?
OTH Regensburg defines sexual harassment within the meaning of Section 3 (4) AGG: "Sexual harassment is discrimination in relation to Section 2 (1) nos. 1 to 4 [AGG] if unwanted, sexually oriented behavior, including unwanted sexual acts and requests for these, sexually oriented physical touching, comments of a sexual nature and unwanted display and visible attachment of pornographic images, has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of the person concerned, in particular if an environment characterized by intimidation, hostility, humiliation, degradation or insults is created."
Contact persons
OTH Regensburg has appointed persons who can be contacted in the event of discrimination, sexual harassment and sexualized violence.
Contact person for protection against sexual harassment and sexualized violence:
Prof. Dr. Nina Leffers Deputy University Women's Representative nina.leffers@oth-regensburg.de; 0941-943-1406
Contact person for anti-discrimination
Prof. Dr. Rainer Schliermann Inclusion Officer rainer.schliermann@oth-regensburg.de;
If you feel discriminated against or sexually harassed, please contact one of the above-mentioned persons, who will be happy to advise you confidentially and anonymously if you wish. They can also be contacted if you have observed discrimination or sexual harassment.
Important contact points
Despite the two-gender structure, we do not wish to discriminate against anyone on the basis of gender or sexual identity. The specializations of the individual facilities also serve to provide orientation. In principle, however, you will find support, a sympathetic ear and, if necessary, referrals at all contact points.