Quality objectives in studies and teaching
OTH Regensburg meets all the requirements of the national and European Higher Education Area. In addition, the university has set itself results-oriented, qualitative and quantitative goals. These place particular demands on the performance of all teaching staff, students and other stakeholders.
The quality objectives in teaching and learning are based on the general mission statement and the mission statement for teaching and learning. Specific goals and criteria are defined for the implementation of these goals in the individual degree programs. They are divided into input (performance goals), output (quantitative goals) and outcomes (result-oriented goals). As part of quality assurance, the achievement of objectives is documented and measured and, if necessary, measures for improvement are initiated.
Quality management documents the input (performance targets). These are the quality of teaching, the quality of supervision and the processes. Various phases of the degree program are taken into account. These are the transition to a career, the internship phase, the study phase, the introductory phase and the pre-study phase.
The input enables the outcomes (result-oriented goals) and the output (quantitative goals). Both are measured and recorded by quality management.
The outcomes include professional qualifications, personal development and the training of specialists in the region.
The output includes good studyability, aspects of internationalization and the exploitation of individual potential.