Responsibility and participation in quality management

Overall responsibility for the university's quality management system (QMS) lies with the university management (HL), under the leadership of the Vice President for Learning and Teaching (VP SL). Fundamental decisions are made in consultation with all deans (Extended University Management). The university's quality management officer (QMB) supports them in further development and makes suggestions for practical implementation within the overall theoretical concept. A representative for system accreditation is also available. He or she monitors the further development of the legal requirements for system-accredited universities and makes corresponding implementation and adaptation proposals. He or she also supports the internal accreditation procedures.

Within the faculties, the deans of studies in particular are responsible for the QMS in the area of teaching and learning. An exchange and mutual coordination takes place every semester in a joint working group. This is chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Teaching. In addition to the deans of studies, the Quality Management and Organization Office (QuO) also participates. The student representatives and the Teaching and Didactics Service Center are also regularly invited to discuss individual points. The student representatives and employees of the Teaching and Didactics Service Center also regularly take part in this working group.

In all other organizational units, managers and all other members of the university are involved in the QMS, particularly at the level of process and document management.

The QuO staff unit is significantly involved in the operational implementation of the QMS. The following diagram shows excerpts of the interfaces between those involved and the input that the QuO staff unit provides in a variety of ways as a basis for this.

Additional persons responsible for the internal quality assurance and accreditation of the study programs are appointed on the basis of the iSA process.

Through the various evaluations and surveys, students, graduates and teaching staff as well as representatives of companies and institutions are also involved in quality development.