Statistics and key figures

The CEUS-lokal data warehouse system can be used to determine various web-based university statistics and key figures on student applications, first-year students, students and graduates for the area of studies and teaching. In addition, examination results can be viewed at (partial) module level as well as de-registration rates and graduation rates at degree course level.

The data is available in anonymized form and is prepared by the QuO staff unit for the various target groups. An authorized group of people also has their own access to the data warehouse system.

The data can be evaluated according to different time periods (semester, academic year, examination year) and hierarchy levels (including university, faculty, degree course, undergraduate, postgraduate, degree level).

Detailed statistics are available for the various student groups regarding the type and origin of higher education entrance qualification, age, nationality, foreign students, domestic students, subject and university semesters, standard period of study, study type, exmatriculations with reason, duration of study, average grade, predicate assessment.

At (partial) module level, data on examinations can be determined separately according to compulsory, compulsory elective, elective subject, orientation examination and generated achievements, e.g. on admission requirements for entry to the next study phase.

Information on the ability to study is particularly important in the context of quality assurance for degree programs. Evaluations at degree course level, so-called cohort reports, provide an initial starting point for this by determining exmatriculation rates and rates of graduates. However, these figures should not be viewed without comment. They should be supplemented by results from internal central evaluations, e.g. on course drop-outs, and critically scrutinized.