The Career Service help businesses make contact with OTH Regensburg and its students. Please see our offers as well as offers by other departements of the OTH Regensburg in the following.
Through our Job Exchange you can reach our own 11,000 students plus another 90,000 students at 19 Bavarian universities of applied sciences.
One of Bavaria's biggest business contact fairs will be opening its doors annually in October.
organized by Verein Connecta e.V.
2024: 23rd and 24th October 2024
Registration process closed in April 2024
OTH Regensburg offers numerous dual study options - to get in contact with students right at the beginning. show your company to interested students on one day at the end of February/beginning of March.
2025: 17th - 28th February 2025
Registration period: 1rst - 30th November 2024 ( make direct contact with students and to boost your image.
The Society of Friends of OTH Regensburg supports and maintains the network between the university, businesses, students and alumni.
Personal tandem relationship between a mentor and a student on a technical/scientific degree programme from the 3rd semester onwards. The mentor represents your company and you gain an insight into the university environment.
Are you interested in university advertising using media such as promotional campaigns, posters or flyer advertising?
Our university is managed by CAMPUSdirekt Deutschland GmbH. contact: Lenah Cronenberg, +49921787785936,
You are welcome to offer presentations/workshops reagarding job application for our students.
Please contact us.