Since 2024, the Verein der Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V., in cooperation with the Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Regensburg e.V., has been donating a
recognition for studies with special challenges. This recognition used to be called Diversity-Prize, which has been awarded since 2015.
The OTH Regensburg is looking for people to provide encouragement for the following topics: Studying with a disability/chronic illness and studying with family responsibilities.
These special challenges should be recognised and acknowledged. At the same time, the aim is to encourage and show role models.
The Courage Makers are selected on the recommendation of a member of the OTH Regensburg or on the basis of an application by a jury consisting of the university management, Verein der Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V., Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Regensburg e.V.., the Women's Representative, the Disability Representative, the Family Office and a Student Representative.
The recognition is awarded to students usually from the 4th semester Bachelor or 2nd semester Master who successfully complete their studies with a disability/chronic illness or family responsibilities in two categories:
- 1st category: studies + family responsibilities
- 2nd category: studies + disability/chronic illness
The nominated students agree to be available to the Student Lifecycle Center as a contact person for prospective students with families or disabilities on a case-by-case basis and to publish a statement on the subject on the homepage of OTH Regensburg (first name only, without photo).
The awards, each worth 500 euros, are presented to two to four individuals during the OTH Regensburg awards evening.
There is no legal entitlement to this award.