House for Innovation and Transfer (HIT)

The new House for Innovation and Transfer (HIT) on the OTH Regensburg campus on Universitätsstraße was built as a modular structure with the help of High Tech Agenda Bayern. Twelve new offices, meeting rooms and two research laboratories provide space for 50 OTH Regensburg employees to conduct research on two floors; the ZWW, which also contributed to the funding, has a new home on the second floor.

In order to offer as many scientists as possible a space for their research, the research areas are used according to the shared desk model. To this end, OTH Regensburg employees developed their own house rules in advance in workshops and surveys. In addition to the shared desk model, the planning of the building also focused on better working opportunities through special workplace equipment: the company "Linke Office Design" has created a special space concept for this - this allows for different working concepts, which are reflected in the furnishings there:

  • collaborative working
  • focused work
  • Working in a group
  • Meetings with presentation options

In addition to the working conditions in the building, the House for Innovation and Transfer also sets standards in terms of sustainability and stands out in particular for the following points:

  • built entirely of wood
  • Building materials used are exclusively harmless
  • Minimal surface sealing
  • geothermal heating with geothermal probes
  • extensively greened flat roof with photovoltaic system
  • Ventilation system with heat recovery

Dates & News

  • April 4, 2025, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., HIT: Workshop to update and sharpen the research priorities of OTH Regensburg (closed group of participants);

Site plans

1st floor

2nd floor

Houserules & room occupancy

In the workshop on 18.10.2024, the users set up house rules for working in the HIT. There are also instructions for booking workstations under "Room allocation".

Houserules and room allocation

The company "Linke Office Design" has also provided a space concept that explains how to work in the shared desk model.

Space concept

Handover of the keys at the HIT opening ceremony on 18.12.2024

Senior Building Director Karl Stock, Head of the Regensburg State Building Authority, together with Ministerial Director Dr. Rolf-Dieter Jungk, Head of Office at the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, handed over the building to University President Prof. Dr. Ralph Schneider, Vice President for Research and International Affairs Prof. Dr. Oliver Steffens and Dr. Marcus Graf, Managing Director of the Center for Research and Transfer (from left). Photo: OTH Regensburg / Florian Hammerich

Fault acceptance

The Service Center of the Department of Buildings and Technology is your service provider for technical building management at OTH Regensburg and is there to help and advise you. In the event of a fault in our buildings and in the areas of plant operation, building maintenance, cleaning and janitor services, fault-related repairs, supply and disposal, the Service Center of the Department of Buildings and Technology can generally be contacted on the hotline 0941 943-1234 or via e-mail haustechnik(at)

The IT Center (formerly Computer Center) of OTH Regensburg is the central point of contact for all university members in IT matters. In the event of technical faults, such as network connection problems or service failures, please contact the IT Center. To receive support, please use the form provided to create a ticket. The IT center will take care of your request as soon as possible after receiving the ticket.