De-registration / Termination of enrolment

The study relationship with the university ends upon termination of enrolment. There are two types of termination: on yourrequest or ex officio. The latter takes place with a (written) decision by the university for the following reasons:

  • successful completion of studies (enrolment ends on the last day of the semester in which you pass your final examination, i.e. 30 September for a summer semester or 14 March for a winter semester.)
  • final failure to pass a Bachelor´s or Masters´s examination,
  • failure to undergo a compulsory medical examination,
  • subsequent occurrence of an enrolment obstacle,
  • occurrence of academic shortcomings during the study period,
  • failure to re-register for further study,
  • missing proof of health insurance or cancellation of health insurance due to payment issues.

You can submit the request for termination of enrolment (de-registration) directly by e-mail to the Admissions and Organisation Office.

Information about termination of enrolment


We would like to keep in contact with you and stay updated on your professional experiences. Please sign up in ourAlumni Online Portalto join a large network of members and receive information about events and new learning opportunities.

Educational assistance / student loans

If you are a beneficiary of a student state loan (BAföG), please inform the office of educational assistance without delay about the termination of your enrolment.

Library card

If you wish to keep your library card, please contact the university library.

Career Service

In addition to seminars, workshops and presentations, the Career Service offers personal advice on starting your career, as well as job application checks for both students and alumni.

Child benefits

If your parents are entitled to receive child benefits for the duration of your studies, please inform the family benefits office without delay about the termination of enrolment.

Health insurance

On the day your enrolment is terminated, you also lose your student health insurance. Please make sure to contract another type of health insurance going forward.

Pension insurance

Please download the confirmation for the state pension insurance from the Student Service Portal (SSP) as you may need it in the future. If you already have pension insurance, please submit this confirmation to your pension insurance company.

Refund of semester fees

If you re-register for a subsequent semester but your enrolment is terminated before the start of the respective semester, we will automatically refund the paid semester fee. There is no need to submit a refund request. Please hand in your student card at the Front Office of the Admissions Office (room V018). If your enrolment was terminated after the start of the new semester, it is not possible to refund the paid semester fee because OTH Regensburg is required to transfer the collected fees to the student union (Studierendenwerk) and the regional public transport company (RVV).

RZ account

Within 4 weeks after the last day of enrolment, your computer center (RZ) account and student e-mail account will be deleted.

Please remember to download all personal documents (transcripts of records, de-registration certificates) from the Student Service Portal (SSP) and save them privately before your account is deleted. If you have any further questions about your account, please contact the info desk at the computer center.

Discontinuing your studies

If you decide to discontinue your studies, you are welcome to contact the Student Advisory Service for confidential advice and/or support with your personal and professional plans going forward.

Transfer to another program or university, deadlines for repeat exams

If you are transferring to another program or university, please keep the de-registration documents safe and submit them during enrolment. Deadlines for repeat examinations are not interrupted in case of termination of enrolment.