Participatory concept development of a mobile platform


The "Green Spot"

Several teams took part in our Green Office student competition to actively participate in the development of a mobile platform called "Green Spot". The aim of the competition was to develop a "Green Spot" mobile platform for the entire campus. The projects could not have been more different: a mobile dome, a "scaffold of possibilities" and an information stand on two wheels were awarded prizes. The factors of sustainability, mobility and functionality played a central role in the evaluation of the projects. The prize money of 3000 euros donated by the Association of Friends of OTH Regensburg was distributed among the first three winning teams.

Luise Fieger, Martin Peraus and Jonas Schöller secured first place with their "info bike": the cargo bike includes a fold-out stand-up table, a sunshade and modular seating. The winning concept will be implemented over the next few months under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schratzenstaller. Second place went to the "Scaffolding of Possibilities" team, followed by the four students of the "Blob-Up", a dome that can be used in both summer and winter thanks to its foil coating. You can take a closer look at the concepts of the three winning teams below.

Impressions of the participants

Lukas Heckl, "Scaffolding of possibilities" team

"The GreenSpot competition was a great opportunity to try things out as an interdisciplinary team as part of a university project. It was great fun to meet as a team and work on our 'Shelf of Possibilities' concept week after week."

Prof. Dr. Christoph Skornia, Vice President

"The students have impressively demonstrated that they want to work together to promote the sustainable development of OTH Regensburg. I am already looking forward to seeing the info bike in action at numerous events."

Heike Beer, Deputy Chairwoman of the Association of Friends of OTH Regensburg

"It's great to see that the students have dealt so intensively with the topic of sustainability and have worked together across faculties."

Our jury

Heike Beer

Personnel Manager

Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH


Merle Hermann

Student Assistant

Green Office

OTH Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Christoph Skornia

Vice President

for Digitalization, Sustainability and Social Responsibility and Mint Promotion

OTH Regensburg

Prof. Andreas Emminger

Professor and Dean

Faculty of Architecture

OTH Regensburg

Florian Hanslmaier

Member of the speaker:inner council of the student representation

OTH Regensburg

Theresa Sittl

Former management

Green Office

OTH Regensburg

Melanie Bachinger

Management, Project Management

rBITech GmbH
