A space for sustainability that is more than green. A space that connects us.


Auf dem Bild sind mehrere kleine grüne Pflänzchen zu sehen. Auf dem Bild sind mehrere kleine grüne Pflänzchen zu sehen.

The Green Office - what exactly is it?

The Green Office is the contact point on the OTH Regensburg campus for all student projects and initiatives relating to sustainability. The institution acts as a multiplier and stimulus for sustainable initiatives and projects in all areas of the university. The aim of the Green Office is to bring sustainability-related concerns from the student body to the university management and to support student initiatives in their important work. It also aims to provide a networking platform for all members of the university who wish to initiate projects relating to ecological and social sustainability.

The Green Office team consists of four student assistants (SHKs) and the head, Lenz Franzke. You can find the entire team and the projects we have carried out further down the page. Further activities such as the Campus Day of the Sustainability Week, the promotion of initiatives at OTH, our commitment to a bicycle-friendly university with more biodiversity and past participatory activities with the "Wall of Thoughts" can be found in the menu on the left. Have fun browsing!


The Green Office is part of the Sustainability Office, which also includes the following people:

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Skornia, Vice President for Digitalization and Sustainability
  • Dr. Maja Stojanović-Blab, Sustainability Officer
  • Ujvesa Pronaj, Climate Protection Manager



We inspire, empower and connect people through an open mindset. We collaborate and engage to enable sustainable action.



Green Office - a space for sustainability that is more than just green - a space that connects us.

Our projects

Human power in the Green Office



"I am convinced of the impact of commitment and structural transformation. That's why I'm working with my team to make sustainability in the sense of the SDGs visible, tangible and accessible at OTH Regensburg. If you have an idea, get in touch with us!"


Student assistant, Public Relations

"Everyone can play their part in a more sustainable world!"


Student assistant, Fairtrade

"For me, a Fairtrade university shows that education not only imparts knowledge, but also values such as solidarity, climate protection and social commitment. I am very pleased to be able to promote these values through my work in the Green Office in the area of Fairtrade."


Student assistant, project management

"I really appreciate using my bike as a means of transportation in the city and enjoy the freedom of getting from A to B. It fills me with joy that I can support my passion for cycling by working in the Greenoffice."



Student assistant, networking

More info

Climate neutrality & energy savings at OTH Regensburg