Our offers for the OTH research community

For researchers

The Center for Research and Transfer (ZFT) supports the university management in the further development and implementation of its strategy with regard to research and transfer and is therefore the central point of contact for researchers and those interested in research at OTH Regensburg. Our team advises on the planning of funding opportunities for research activities and helps with the submission of third-party funded projects. The ZFT provides researchers with access to internal funding opportunities and support with cooperation agreements. We digitalize research management and network internal and external players in the field of research transfer.

Dr. Marcus Graf Foto: OTH Regensburg/Simone Grebler Dr. Marcus Graf Foto: OTH Regensburg/Simone Grebler

"The ZFT improves the framework conditions for the OTH research community to ensure they are optimally positioned in research and knowledge transfer."

Dr. Marcus Graf
Managing Director of the Center for Research and Transfer (ZFT)

Stay up to date!

Stay up to date on funding opportunities, science prizes and events - with the FIT newsletter you can do this individually tailored to your research interests!


Link to register with FIT


FAQ about FIT

  • Anyone with a valid OTH Regensburg e-mail account can use the FIT service. In addition to the identifier @oth-regensburg.de, the identifiers @st.oth-regensburg.de or @extern.oth-regensburg.de are also permitted.

  • You can register via the "Registration link" at the top of the page. Registration is also explained in the tutorial.

  • Whether it's a funding opportunity, event or prize - send us your topics. The ZFT helps to fill the FIT service and can also use it to send internal OTH messages.

At a glance

Center for Research and Transfer (ZFT)

ZFT Meeting Point

Meet us during the lecture period every first Tuesday of the month from 12.30 to 1 pm and every third Tuesday of the month from 12 to 12.30 pm at the meeting point in the Komm-Zone in front of the Mensa Seybothstraße or send us an e-mail!

Mail to ZFT

Online consultation

We offer an open online consultation hour for questions relating to research funding instruments, applications and the like.

It takes place every Thursday from 9.30 to 10.15 a.m. during the lecture period.

You can take parthere!

Links for researchers

Service at the OTH Regensburg

Facilities of the OTH Regensburg

Worth knowing


Are you looking for partners from OTH Regensburg for an interdisciplinary project?

In the laboratory overviews of the individual faculties you will find the respective research areas and the relevant contact persons. There are no laboratories in the Faculty of Business and Management.

The research officers of the faculties will also be happy to support you!