Adjustment of First Name and Gender Entry

Trans*, inter and non-binary students at OTH Regensburg can easily adjust their first name and gender entry to correspond to their gender identity.

Information for Students

  • When entering data for the first time as part of the application process, the surname, first name and gender entry must be legally correct (i.e. match the information on the student's legal ID).

    During enrolment, an informal request to adjust the gender entry and first name(s) to correspond to the student's gender identity can be submitted together with the enrolment documents. Due to participation in the nationwide DoSV allocation procedure, an adjustment is only possible during the enrolment procedure, not before.

    A copy of the dgti supplementary ID or a copy of the application for a change of civil status submitted to the court is very welcome as further evidence. However, these documents are not a prerequisite for processing the application.

  • Trans*, inter and non-binary students who are already enrolled as OTH Regensburg students and require a change of their first name or gender entry due to their gender identity can also submit an informal application to the Study Department (Admissions and Organisation Office).

    To create a new student ID, a current photo must be sent by email to the Admissions and Organisation Office and the old student ID must be returned. Enrolled students can also enclose a copy of the dgti supplementary ID or the application for a change of civil status submitted to the court, if available.


After the application has been checked by the Admissions and Organisation Office, all internal university documents, including the student ID and the student e-mail address, will be changed to the chosen name and gender entry. Please note that the deadname ("legally binding name") cannot be changed to the correct name in Studi-Soft, as the software is hosted externally by the University of Würzburg.

If required, the Admissions and Organisation Office can issue certificates in the "legal name". Enrolment Certificates can be downloaded from the SSP in the "legal name", but can also be issued in the chosen name on request by the Admissions and Organisation Office.

Documents with implications for third parties (BAföG, pension and health insurance data) are issued in the current "legal" name and gender entry. Likewise, certificates and diplomas are issued in the legally valid gender and name until a legally valid change has been made.

After a legal change of name and/or gender has taken place, all graduation documents will be reissued upon presentation of the legally valid decision or the amended birth certificate. The original documents must be returned.

In order to implement the change of name and gender entry, the OTH Regensburg IT Centre will be informed by the Admissions and Organisation Office. This information must be passed on in order to be able to change the e-mail address and the IT applications used at OTH Regensburg (Moodle, ELO, etc.) to the correct name and gender.