Diversity at the OTH Regensburg

Diversity is a strategic topic at OTH Regensburg and considered a benefit both for the development of the university as a whole as well as for the skills of individual university members.

The Vice President for Research and International Affairs is responsible for the topic on a central level.

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Service Office supports the Vice President in the implementation of diversity measures and coordinates various programmes.

  • "Diversity" here refers to the variety of people and their cultures.

    The OTH Regensburg's understanding of diversity is based on the characteristics mentioned in the university's mission statement: gender, origin, class, age, family obligations, religion and any disabilities or illnesses they may have.

    With regards to teaching and studies, diversity at OTH Regensburg also means

    • Diversity in affiliation to subject and faculty cultures and degree programmes
    • Diversity in students' previous education
    • Diversity in students' learning behaviours
    • Diversity in lecturers' teaching methods

    For the fields of research, further education, infrastructure and organisation, the understanding of diversity may need to be further specified.

    We strive to actively promote equal opportunity in line with OTH Regensburg's mission statement by further shaping our diverse campus with the help of active diversity management.


    • We consider diversity a social responsibility to which OTH Regensburg makes its contribution. Protection against discrimination is a given.
    • Lived diversity is a profile-forming feature of OTH Regensburg.
    • OTH Regensburg implements active diversity management and uses synergies with all other strategic topics.

  • Through active diversity management with regards to teaching and studying the university strives to...

    • increase OTH Regensburg's attractiveness to different student groups. This also helps with securing qualified young talent for the region.
    • strengthen identification with OTH Regensburg and create a lasting bond between (former) students and the university.
    • create fair conditions so that students can achieve the best possible academic success according to their various personal requirements and their individual performance.

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