Diversity Day at OTH Regensburg

Once a year, theCharta der Vielfalt e.V. calls for a nation-wide Diversity Day, on which various institutions, companies, universities, etc. carry out activities on the topic of diversity. The goal is to raise awareness for diversity in working environments and to take stand for diversity and against exclusion and discrimination.

OTH Regensburg has been taking part in this day of action since 2014.

What does diversity mean to you?

Diversity Day 2024

OTH Regensburg is also taking part in the Diversity Day in 2024.


On May 28, 2024, an advertisement from the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Service Offive will be shown on the STWNO screens on campus. The aim is to encourage university members to talk about the importance of diversity in their day-to-day lives - on and off campus. At the same time, the Service Office itself and the two university groups OTH Regensbogen and International Campus Friends are introduced.

Past Diversity Days

  • Racism at universities - A lecture on the occasion of Diversity Day 2023

    On May 23, 2023, the 11th Diversity Day took place, which the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. calls for every year. Between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., stands in front of the canteen provided information on the topic of diversity at OTH Regensburg. The student representatives, student self-help groups, Campus Asyl as well as the International Office and the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Service Center were all involved.

    On 25 May 2023, Prof. Dr. Martina Ortner, Professor of Migration-Sensitive Social Work, spoke on the topic of racism at universities. She highlighted aspects of individual and structural racism in the context of universities and discussed approaches that are critical of racism and can contribute to an open-minded university.


  • Diversity Month 2022 - 10th anniversary of Diversity Day

    On May 31, 2022, the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. celebrated Diversity Day for the 10th time. At OTH Regensburg, this was the occasion for a Diversity Month with numerous events:

    • Lecture "Precautionary power of attorney / care directive" Wednesday, May 4, 2022 / 10 a.m., digital (event organized by the Family Office)
    • "Quite normal! Action week to raise awareness of mental and physical illnesses" From 9 to 13 May, a special action week promoted the destigmatization of people with illnesses and set an example against discrimination. The varied program ranged from information stands, creative walls, lectures, talks and workshops to film evenings.
    • 15 years of the Family Office Friday, May 20 / 2 - 6 p.m., around the student house - celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Family Office
    • Lecture "What family caregivers should know" Tuesday, May 24 / 5 p.m., digital (event organized by the Family Office)


  • Profession and vocation - Diversity Day 2021

    On May 18, 2021, OTH Regensburg once again took part in the nationwide day of action.

    At the virtual event "Beruf und Berufung - Professor*innen der OTH Regensburg berichten über ihren vielfältigen Berufsalltag", professors gave insights into their diverse everyday working lives. In a panel discussion, professors from various faculties introduced themselves and talked about their individual focuses in their day-to-day work.

  • Diversity Day 2019

    On the 7th German Diversity Day on May 28, 2019, OTH Regensburg took part in the nationwide campaign for the fifth time.

    During the day from 10:00 - 14:00, there were various campaign stands in front of the canteen:

    • The university communities confronted taboos. In the evening, they hosted a campus evening in the Studierendenhaus with the motto "Glaubens-TABU" (faith taboo), where they addressed the taboos collected during the day.
    • At the Inclusion Working Group, you could take part in a quiz on the topic of "Studying with mental illness".
    • At the Autism Network, a "perception course" allowed visitors to experience how many people with autism spectrum disorders feel in different situations.

    The Gender and Diversity Service Center launched the "Diversity at OTH Regensburg" photo competition on Diversity Day.

    In total, several hundred students took part in the various activities.

  • Diversity Day 2018

    As part of Diversity Day 2018, the awards ceremony for the two diversity prizes and the prize for the promotion of gender projects took place at OTH Regensburg. In a keynote speech on the topic of "Successful vocational training for people with a migration background: How can companies and universities make a contribution?", Prof. Dr. Philip Anderson from the Faculty of Applied Social and Health Sciences highlighted the key role of universities in supporting refugees. Philip Anderson from the Faculty of Applied Social and Health Sciences emphasized the key role of universities in supporting refugees: by teaching study content fairly, by supporting migrants through so-called "buddies" and mentors or with language and preparation courses, they can set a good example and exemplify a good atmosphere and a welcoming culture.

    The evening was framed by the music project of the Campus Asyl e.V. association, in which volunteers from refugee work make music together with refugees.

  • "Putting gender on the agenda" - Diversity Day 2017

    If we consider that it is just over 100 years since women were admitted to university in Germany, then the progress made in terms of gender equality at universities is remarkable. However, the proportion of women differs significantly depending on the discipline; there are many reasons for this. Gender-conscious subject-specific teaching and research are highly relevant for breaking down gender roles and attributions and counteracting the unequal distribution in the subjects - especially the underrepresentation of women in STEM subjects. Throughout the day, various lectures and workshops took place in the individual faculties. The day ended with a festive evening event. This was also the setting for the presentation of the Diversity Awards of the Friends' Association and the first award for the promotion of gender projects at OTH Regensburg. The Diversity Prize has been awarded since 2015 by the "Verein der Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V." in cooperation with Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Diözese Regensburg e.V. (Catholic Youth Welfare of the Diocese of Regensburg).

  • Diversity Days 2016

    For three days in 2016, OTH Regensburg was all about diversity, living diversity on campus. Numerous activities were held by the Family Office, International Office, Equal Opportunities Officer, the university communities and other institutions and organizations. On Monday, June 6, there were information stands with hands-on activities in front of the canteen, Seybothstraße, under the motto "I am part of diversity". On Tuesday, June 7, the workshop "Diversity in teaching as an opportunity for universities" was held for teaching staff in the afternoon. On Wednesday, June 8, students and employees of OTH Regensburg read "Fairy tales from around the world" in the family room of the student house.

  • Inclusion action day on Diversity Day 2014

    In 2014, the action group of students with and without disabilities organized a day of action on inclusion. The aim of the day was to draw attention to the diversity of students at OTH Regensburg. The focus was on the target group of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses and their needs. Examples were used to show the problems that students face in everyday university life and to draw attention to the fact that not every limitation is visible at first glance. There was a quiz on inclusion and the conditions at OTH Regensburg. There was also the opportunity to experience for yourself what it is like to study at OTH Regensburg as a wheelchair user by completing various tasks.

    In addition, ideas and suggestions for improving the disabled-friendliness of OTH Regensburg could be submitted. In total, over 200 interested people took part in these hands-on activities. The participants were particularly surprised at how many students with disabilities there are and that many of them have a mental illness. The wheelchair tasks were also quite a challenge, as one participant commented: "I would never have thought that it would take so long to cover such a short distance when you're in a wheelchair."