Women in Science

Women are still significantly underrepresented in science. They make up just over half of all students. According to theFederal Statistical Office, in 2022 46% of doctorates were women, but the proportion of women amongst professors was only at 28% across Germany and all types of higher education institutions.

At OTH Regensburg, 22,6% of professors are female professors (as of June 2024), while the proportion of female professors at Bavarian universities of applied sciences was 23.8% in 2023 (Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik 2023).

Attracting more women to an academic career is therefore an important goal.

State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at Bavarian Universities (LaKoF)

The women's and equal opportunities officers at Bavarian universities have joined forces to form LaKoF Bayern. The aim of LaKoF Bayern is to promote equal opportunities for women in the academic system.

With its programmes BayernMentoring - doctoral scholarships - qualification programme "rein-in-die-hörsäle", LaKoF Bayern/HAW has established three pillars for the career advancement of women in order to effectively and sustainably support women on their path to an academic career.

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Service Office and the Women's Representative are available to answer your questions and will be happy to support you!

The Support Programmes

  • Support options in the qualification program:

    • Teaching assignment programme (LAP)
    • Seminar: "Career Goal - Female Professor at a University of Applied Sciences"
    • Information event: "Career Goal - Female Professor at a University of Applied Sciences"

    The LAP is aimed at women who already have the necessary qualifications to become a professor at a university of applied sciences or will acquire them in the foreseeable future. The LAP provides proof of the required teaching experience.

    The seminar "Career Goal - Female Professor at a University of Applied Sciences" prepares participants for the application process in intensive (individual) coaching sessions.

    The information event "Career Goal - Female Professor at a UAS" offers the opportunity to gain an insight into the job profile and to discuss individual questions about a professorship with experienced female professors.

  • Doctoral scholarships support particularly talented women in acquiring academic qualifications in the form of a doctorate. There are two different scholarships:

    • Doctoral scholarship for women with professional experience: Applicants already have the professional experience required for a professorship.
    • Doctoral scholarship for University of Applied Sciences graduates: The applicants have completed their studies at a University of Applied Sciences and are pursuing their doctorate shortly after graduation.

  • BayernMentoring is a career support programme specifically for girls and young women, primarily in STEM. The aim is to support young women in technical, engineering and scientific degree programmes in a career-oriented manner, to provide targeted support and to enable them to successfully complete their studies. Personal career planning and individual personal development are central concerns of BayernMentoring. In contrast to the scholarships and "rein-in-die-hörsäle" programmes, BayernMentoring is implemented decentrally at the respective universities. OTH Regensburg, offers the two BayernMentoring programmes "first steps" and "professional steps".

Information on the Job Profile "University of Applied Sciences Professor"

Information on professorships and the application process:

If you are interested in a university of applied sciences (HAW) professorship, you can find out more on the of the website ofLaKoF Bayern HAW. The LaKoF Baden-Württemberg also offers information on this profession and how to get there.

The LaKoF's campaign "Becoming a professor" provides comprehensive information about university professorships, introduces female professors and gives an overview of current vacancies.



A database of women in science can also be found here. We would like to encourage you to register in this database. This will allow you to view advertised vacancies. Universities can also contact you directly. The CEWS offers a similar service.


Funding opportunities

To increase the proportion of women in teaching at Bavarian universities of applied sciences, the Free State of Bavaria provides the women's representatives with special funds in the state budget to realise equal opportunities for women in research and teaching. These funds are used to finance scholarships and the teaching assignment programme "rein-in-die-hörsäle."

The doctoral scholarship supports the PhD-projects of women who already have the five years of professional experience required for a professorship and still need a PhD to be eligible for a professorship. Furthermore, HAW graduates who are pursuing the long-term career goal of becoming a professor can be supported with the scholarship for HAW graduates.

The teaching assignment programme "rein-in-die-hörsäle" promotes teaching assignments for women to give them the opportunity to gain teaching experience. In addition, two events are offered each fall: An information event on professorships and a workshop on preparing for application processes.


Job description of a professor

Why become a professor at a university of applied sciences? How do female professors see their work at a university of applied sciences? What is important to them and why did they choose this profession? A short film informs you about the career prospects of a female professor.


Become a Professor!