A warm welcome to you!
Your start at the OTH Regensburg
Everything is so new here ... But do not worry: We are sure that you will feel right at home on campus in just a few weeks! To help you settle in as quickly as possible, you will find the most important information for your start at the university here.
In addition to the information below, you are also welcome to check our ELO course for first semester students
ELO course for first semester students

Start of studies
The semester periods at OTH Regensburg are as follows:
Winter semester: October 1 to March 14
Summer semester: March 15 to September 30
Further information on the lecture-free period, the examination period and other important dates can be found in our semester calendar.
Please make a note of the most important dates in your calendar and set yourself reminders.
The official welcome event usually takes place on the first working day of the new semester. For the summer semester 2025, the welcome event will take place on 17 March 2025 at 9 AM in room S054 (building S).
Your faculty will also organise some info sessions and inform you by e-mail 1-2 weeks before the start of the semester. Please activate your OTH e-mail address (see below) so that you receive these e-mails.
You can find more information about your faculty and specific events on the page of your faculty (OTH Homepage -> The OTH -> Faculties and Institutions).
You can view our campus not only virtually , but also in person. Some faculties organize campus tours after the start of the semester. You will be informed of the dates during your welcome events.
The International Office organizes additional campus tours for international students (see "Additional events for international students").
Please scroll down to "Orientation on campus" for a campus map and more details.
The International Office at OTH Regensburg organizes additional events for international students. These include campus tours, coffee hours, info sessions, workshops and much more. Details can be found on the website of the International Office.
Important information about your studies
Each degree programme is assigned to a specific faculty. If you are not sure which one, please search for your degree programme on our website. On the programme page, you will find the name of your faculty in the top right-hand column "At a glance".
- Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Cultural Studies
- Faculty of Architecture
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Business and Management
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Social and Health Care Sciences
Your first point of contact for questions about your degree programme is the Faculty Office ("Sekretariat"). It is usually located in the university building where the courses for your degree program are mainly held. You can find more information on the faculty offices and their locations on your faculty's website.
You can also find important officials of the faculty on the faculty page.
Every faculty and every programme has an acronym, which you can find in this PDF file. You may need this acronym for various purposes throughout your studies.
The timetables are published by the faculties on WebUntis . Please log in with your ITZ login data (see below under "IT Infrastructure"). For AW modules and language courses, students need to register separately. The registration deadlines are also published in WebUntis. Any questions will be answered in the faculty's welcome event.
If your programme is very large, your faculty will assign students to study groups. If you have any issues with the assignment, please contact the Faculty Office.
Please note that in some degree programmes you will only receive information on course registration during the welcome event.
You can find the study and examination regulations (SPO) as well as module handbooks and other interesting documents on the website of your degree programme . These describe the structure and curriculum of your degree programme.
What are ECTS credits?
In order to successfully complete a degree programme, you must complete coursework that is awarded a certain number of ECTS credits in accordance with the study and examination regulations. ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System. Under this system, a certain number of ECTS credits are awarded for all successfully completed modules. One ECTS credit is equivalent to a workload of approx. 25-30 hours of attendance and self-study (depending on the SPO). In order to successfully complete your full-time studies within the standard period of study, you should plan a workload of approx. 30 ECTS credits for each semester.
What does standard period of study mean?
The standard period of study for your degree programme is specified in the study and examination regulations. It is generally recommended that you adhere to the standard period of study. You may exceed the standard period of study if necessary, but you may then lose your entitlement to BAföG or other benefits. If you overrun your standard period of study by more than 2 semesters, you may be subject to deadline penalties (i.e. examinations that are automatically deemed to have been failed if you do not complete them by a certain deadline). You can find out more details in your study and examination regulations.
AW modules are designed to broaden your professional horizons. Please visit the AW sectionto find out which modules are currently on offer. The study and examination regulations of your degree programme provide more information on whether your curriculum includes any mandatory AW modules and if yes, which ones. Registration takes place via WebUntis. The registration period for AW courses begins approx. one week before the start of the semester (March or Sept/Oct) and ends approx. one week after the start of the semester. Please note that you must register separately for any relevant AW examinations.
For some AW-modules, you can already register in the first semester but most AW-modules can be registered for after the second semester. Please ask your faculty if you have any questions.
Please note the following basic rules for examinations:
1. If you register for a course, you are not automatically registered for the exam. You need to register for the exam separately during the exam registration period. Please set up a reminder for this. The registration and deregistration periods for examinations can be found in our academic calendar. On the page of the Examinations and Internships Office you can find instructions for how to register for exams.
2. There are examinations that must be completed by a certain deadline (deadline examinations). Please refer to your study and examination regulations to find out which deadlines apply to your examinations and adhere to them.
3. At OTH Regensburg, it is not allowed to retake an examination in order to improve your grade.
4. if you fail an examination, you are obliged to retake it. You will find the requirements for retaking examinations in the following information sheet(login with RZ ID).
5 After the grades are published, you can review your written exams if you wish. There are special dates for reviewing exams. These are usually announced on the faculty website. If you have any questions, please contact your faculty.
Further information on examinations can be found on the website of the Examinations and Internships Office.
On our website you can see an overview of the rules and statutes of the OTH Regensburg, but unfortunately it is only available in German. For programmes that can be studied in English, most faculties have included information in English on the programme website. If you have any specific questions about examination rules, please contact department-of-studies(at)oth-regensburg.de.
If you have questions about the content of your programme (for example, elective options or the subject focus of your studies), please contact your academic advisor. This is usually a member of the teaching staff appointed by the faculty to advise students on academic matters. They may have fixed visiting hours or you can ask for an appointment during the lecture period to discuss your questions. You can find the academic advisor for your degree program on the right-hand side of your degree programme page.
Please note that academic advisors are not responsible for organizational questions (course registration, etc.). For this, please contact the faculty offices.
As soon as you are enrolled, we will set up an OTH e-mail account for you. You are required to check this account regularly (ideally every day). After enrolment, we will contact you exclusively through this e-mail address and send you many e-mails before the start of the semester. Not all of them may be relevant to you, but please make sure to check them because otherwise you will miss out on important information. To find out how you can access your student e-mail account, please scroll down to "IT infrastructure".
If you write e-mails to OTH Regensburg staff, please always use your student e-mail address and mention your full name, degree programme and enrolment / student registration number.
If you have a question, please check the OTH website first to see if you can find your answer (OTH website -> Your Studies -> During Studies). Or maybe you can find an answer in the FAQs of the General Student Advisory Service. If you are still unsure or have a specific request, please only contact the responsible department and avoid putting various other departments in CC. If your e-mail does not reach the right place, it will be forwarded internally.
You are welcome to connect with other students through Whatsapp or other messaging services. OTH Regensburg does not have any official Whatsapp channels or groups. If you want to stay up to date with important events at OTH Regensburg, you are welcome to follow us onInstagram.
OTH Regensburg offers a wide range of opportunities to complete a semester or internship abroad during your studies. For details, please contact the International Office.
IT infrastructure
HISInOne is our campus management system. You already know it because you used it to apply at our university. Once you are enrolled and become an OTH Regensburg student, you will not only be able to use the system as an applicant, but as a student as well, and gain access to our Student Service Portal (SSP)
In the SSP, you can do the following:
- Download enrollment certificates
- View missing documents
- View payments and re-register
- Register for examinations
- Print out grade certificates
- View notifications and much more
The SSP will remain an important point of contact throughout your studies.
The IT Centre (ITZ) identifier ('ITZ Kennung') is your key to the digital world of OTH Regensburg. With the ITZ identifier, you can log in to all the important portals available to you at OTH Regensburg.
The ITZ identifier can be downloaded from the HISInOne a few days after enrollment. It will not be sent by e-mail!
To retrieve the ITZ identifier, you must first log in to HISInOne with your applicant user name and password. You will see that the view in the portal has changed after enrolment. Under "My studies / Student services / Certificates" you will find the PDF file 'ITZ-Kennung'. In this file you will find your ITZ identifier in the form of three letters (combination of first and last name) and five numbers (example: Mustermann, Max → mum12345) as well as a password. Please log out of your applicant account and log in with the new ITZ login data. Then please change the password.
You can also find video instructions on how to retrieve your ITZ login data on the IT Centre website.
Once you become an OTH student, the IT Centre will set up a student e-mail account for you. Please check the instructions on how to do this. To access the account, please log in on our webmail serverwith your new ITZ identifier. If you have any problems, please contact the IT Centre.
Please activate your OTH student e-mail account as soon as you are enrolled and check it regularly. After enrolment, we will send any important notices and information to your student e-mail address. We will no longer use your private e-mail address. If you don't check your student e-mail account regularly and miss any important notices, you will bear the full consequences. Please make sure that your mailbox is not full and that you have not set up your account to delete any new messages.
When e-mailing OTH teaching or administrative staff, please always use your student e-mail address and state your full name, degree programme and student registration / enrolment number.
- The interactive timetable system WebUntis tells you when and where your lectures are taking place. You can also register for AW or elective courses here - and see whether you have been allocated a place or are still on the waiting list. To register for courses or to view your schedule, you may need to know the acronym of your programme or faculty. You can find it in thisPDF file.
- ELO is the e-learning platform of OTH Regensburg. If a lecture takes place virtually, you can meet your course and your lecturers here. The recordings of the events are also saved here for you. Many faculties and administrative departments have put together ELO courses which can contain uselful and important information for you. You can find links to the relevant ELO courses on the websites of the respective departments or on the faculty website.
- In addition to ELO, you should also set up Zoom , as online events or lectures can also take place here. It is best to download the app to your computer, tablet and/or smartphone. in the Zoom login window, please click on "Login via SSO". In the next window, please enter "oth-regensburg" under "Company domain", then log in on the OTH login page with ITZ identifier and password.
All OTH Regensburg, students have the opportunity to use a wide range of software, including all Microsoft Office programs. Further information can be found on the IT Centre website under software for students.
In the OTH Regensburg document portal you will find important documents and applications relating to your studies. Login with ITZ Identifier required.
The OTH Appwas designed by the student council and includes information about events, the current cafeteria menu, job ads, a tool for finding study rooms and much more.
The IT Centre supports you in all questions concerning the use of the portals and software available at OTH Regensburg. Please pay particular attention to the Supportwiki page.
Your certificate of enrolment (also known as letter of enrolment or enrolment confirmation) will be available for download in your Student Service Portal (SSP) after September 1 (for a winter semester) or after March 1 (for a summer semester). You can find the certificate as follows:
Student Service Portal-> log in with the new ITZ identifier -> My studies -> Student Services -> Notifications / Certificates
Please note that you cannot download your certificate of enrolment if you have any active locks in your SSP account. Locks are entered in the system by the Admissions Office if any important documents are missing and your enrolment is therefore not final. The reason for the lock will be displayed in the portal. If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions and Organisation Office at zulassung(at)oth-regensburg.de, stating your degree programme and matriculation number.
Once you are enrolled as a student at OTH Regensburg, we will issue a multifunctional electronic card for you. This card serves as a student ID card but can do much more: Functions of the OTH Regensburg card.
If you provided an address in Germany when you enrolled, we will send you the OTH Regensburg card by post approximately one week before the start of the semester. If you didn't provide an address in Germany, please collect your card from the Front Office of theAdmissions and Organisation Office (please note the opening hours). If you moved from your old address, please have your mail forwarded to your new address.
The card will be sent unvalidated and must be validated at a validation terminal as soon as you arrive on campus. Validation means that the semester dates are printed on the card and important functions are activated. After validation, your card is valid from the first day of the semester until the last day of the semester. With a valid OTH Regensburg card, you can use local public transport free of charge (for more details, please scroll down to 'RVV and Deutschlandticket').
Please note that you will not receive a new card every semester, but will have to validate the same card after re-registration. Please keep the card in the protective plastic case, so as not to damage the chip. If you lose the card, you will be asked to pay a replacement fee.
If you are unable to validate your card, it may be because your enrolment is still locked due to missing documents. The reason for the lock is displayed in the SSP portal. If you have any questions, please contact zulassung(at)oth-regensburg.de, stating your degree programme and matriculation number.
If you were already enrolled at OTH Regensburg in the previous semester and are only changing your degree programme, you will not receive a new card. If you were enrolled in German as a Foreign Language, you will receive a new card as described above.
To be able to use the payment functions of the OTH Regensburg card, you must first top up your card. There are revaluation terminals at the entrance to the canteens. Please note that you cannot top up at the validation terminals (see above) and cannot validate at the revaluation terminals.
If you are enrolled at a state or state-recognized university in Germany, you must have health insurance for Germany for the entire duration of your studies. Without a valid health insurance, enrolment can be denied or terminated.
Please find some detailed information on the types of health insurance for international students on the website of the International Office.
To finalise your enrolment at OTH Regensburg, please ask your insurance company to send a confirmation of enrolment (M10) to OTH Regensburg through the data exchange platform (SMV). We will then, in turn, confirm to the health insurance company that you are enrolled at OTH Regensburg.
If you take out private insurance or have EU public insurance, you need to ask a German public insurance company to check your insurance and send a confirmation of exemption to OTH Regensburg. The exemption applies to your entire studies.
Please make sure that you always have valid health insurance!
If you are publicly insured and miss out on payments, we will be notified and can cancel your enrolment.
Please do not take out health insurance from several companies! If you take out insurance with several companies but then don't activate the insurance or miss out on payments, we will be notified and can cancel your enrolment.
If you take out private insurance at the beginning of your studies and are declared exempt from public insurance, you will not be able to switch to public insurance later on in your studies.
If you take out public health insurance at the beginning of your studies, you can only switch to private insurance in the first 3 months after the start of studies
You can find more information about insurance on the website of the Admissions and Organisation Office.
Fees and funding
The semester fee is due every semester and must be transferred at the time of enrolment or re-registration. It includes the student union fee and the semester ticket for the Regensburg public transportation system (RVV).
Most English-language degree programmes carry an additional service fee for non-EU students.
Please note that the semester fee may change during the course of your studies.
TheInternational Officeprovides additional information on the cost of housing and living in Regensburg. Please also refer to the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
After the first semester, you must re-register for each subsequent semester. This means that you must transfer the semester fee for the coming semester by a specific deadline. This deadline is usually in January (for a summer semester) or in June (for the winter semester). You can find the exact deadlines in the OTH deadline overview.
Please set yourself a reminder for the re-registration period and take note of the regulations on our re-registration page.
The student union Studierendenwerk Niederbayern / Oberpfalz (STWNO) provides comprehensive information about studying and money.
The Career Service department at OTH Regensburg has also published some information on scholarships on its website.
International students can find further information on the website of the International Office.
Orientation on campus
OTH Regensburg has two campus locations:
At the main campus Galgenberg / Seybothstraße you will find
- most of the faculties,
- the library,
- the main canteen,
- the administration building,
- the student house and
- all service points and facilities.
To find your way around, please use our campus map or our virtual campus tour.
At the secondary campus Prüfeninger Straße you will find
- part of the library and the canteen,
- seminar rooms of the Faculty of Civil Engineering,
- Skills labs and seminar rooms of the Faculty of Applied Social and Health Care Sciences as well as
- parts of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICS degree programme, research, offices and seminar rooms).
More information can be found on the locations and site plans page.
With your student ID card, you can borrow materials from the collections of the OTH Regensburg Library (main and branch library), the Regensburg University Library and the Regensburg State Library free of charge. You have access to all electronic resources of the University Library (e-books, e-journals, specialist databases) - also from home via VPN. You can also use the technology lending service, i.e. the free loan of various technical devices.
The University Library offersguided tours and a comprehensive training program, tutorials and individual advice on literature research or Citavi. Appointments can also be made for virtual consultations via Zoom or by telephone.
A note for international students: You need a German postal address to borrow books.
The student union Studierendenwerk Niederbayern / Oberpfalz runs a number of canteens and cafeterias at all university locations. In German, the canteen is called 'Mensa'.
Information on the locations, menus and the sustainability concept can be found on the Studierendenwerk website.
You can also find the current canteen plan in the OTH app.
You can top up your OTH Regensburg card with credit for the canteen and other locations. There are revaluation machines in the foyers of the canteens and cafeterias. For details, please check the page of the Studierendenwerk.
The menu usually includes vegetarian and vegan options.
Information about computer rooms (CIP pools), printers and scanners can be found on the IT Centre website.
The student house is managed by students for students. Here you will find the office of the student representatives, study and lounge rooms and much more.
Living in Regensburg
Regensburg is a lively university city with over 30,000 students. As a result, the housing market is very tight.
You should address this issue early and prepare to face some difficulty. If you are unable to find a place to stay before coming to Regensburg, please arrange a temporary accommodation for yourself.
To start your research about accommodation, please visit the website of the International Office.
Please beware of scammers! There are many reports of scammers renting out apartments that do not even exist, or demanding money for apartment viewings. Please search the web for the most common housing scams in Germany and inform yourself. This way, you can recognize the scams in good time and protect yourself. You can also join a pre-arrival training or pair up with a buddy to get some support or advice with finding a place to stay.
The semester fee includes a semester ticket for the Regensburger Verkehrsverbund (RVV).
This means that OTH students can access the regional transport network free of charge. To be able to use the RVV buses and trains, you must have a valid OTH Regensburg card. Information on the timetable can be found on the RVV website or in the RVV app.
If you want to expand your travelling area, you may be interested in a Deutschlandticket. This ticket includes unlimited travel within Germany on all regional transport and trains (except high-speed trains ICE). The Deutschlandticket can be bought at a reduced student price as an upgrade of your semester ticket directly from the RVV.
The RVV bus stops next to our campuses are marked on our campus map .
International students can find detailed information on various topics on the pages of the International Office:
Registration with the Foreigners' Registration Office
... and much more.
Points of contact
Are you lost or don't know where to find something or who is responsible for what?
Have you lost or found something and would like to hand it in to the lost and found office?
Would you like to report a fault or is something not working in the building?
Then visit the Info Point of the Buildings and Technology Department in Building S in Seybothstraße 2 at OTH Regensburg (next to the sliding doors when entering the building from Seybothstraße).
Tel: 0941 / 943-0 or 0941 / 943-1234 E-Mail: infopoint(at)oth-regensburg.de
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7 AM - 4 PM
The Department of Studies will help you with administrative issues throughout your studies. Their website provides information and documents on topics such as re-registration, leave of absence, student card, examinations, grades, internships and much more. Depending on your questions, please contact the Admissions and Organization Office or the Examinations and Internships Office.
Location: Administration building (V) in Seybothstraße 2, 93053 Regensburg (ground floor rooms V006 to V018).
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 AM - 12 noon
Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 3 PMIf you need to pick up your student card, please visit the Front Office of the Admissions and Organization Office in Room V018.
For general questions about admission and enrollment, please contact zulassung(at)oth-regensburg.de.
The General Student Advisory Service (ASB) provides personal, confidential and free advice on all questions relating to studying at OTH Regensburg and coping with everyday life during your studies. The Student Advisory Service offers a wide range of services:
Coaching and workshops , e.g. on learning strategies
FAQs on various topics related to studying
Studying while caring for a child
Studying while caring for a family member
The International Office is the point of contact for international students as well as for all OTH students who are planning a stay abroad during their studies. The department manages an extensive network of partner universities and provides advice on the following topics:
Studying in Regensburg for international students
Studying in Regensburg for exchange students
The International Office also organizes events in which international and German students can participate in order to get to know each other.
The IT Centre (ITZ) supports you in case of problems with your ITZ identifier, your e-mail account or in case of any issues with software and portals used at OTH Regensburg. Please pay particular attention to the pages IT for students and Support for students.
The student union Studierendenwerk Niederbayern / Oberpfalz is responsible for the financial support and social care of students at public universities. It is your most important point of contact for questions on these topics:
- University catering (canteens and cafeterias)
- Student housing
- Office for educational loans (BAföG)
- Student life counseling (formerly social counseling) and psychological counseling
- Cultural support
There is a Studierendenwerk app that can be used to access all information conveniently.
Connecting with other students
Students are welcome to help shape the university as a learning and living space. Visit the pages of the student representatives and find out more about
- the Student Convention,
- the Speakers' Council and
- the student councils (Fachschaft) - These are communities of committed students from different faculties who organize activities and events for their fellow students.
Mentoring First Steps is aimed at all students in their first semester. Experienced students from higher semesters (mentors) support students in their first semester (mentees) in regular meetings and answer questions about their studies and the organization of their studies. The aim is to simplify the start of studies. Further information and the registration details can be found under Mentoring.
The Bachelor's degree programme in International Computer Science and the Master's degree programme in Electrical and Microsystems Engineering course have their own buddy programme, which you can register for before the start of the semester.
To connect with people with similar interests at a new university and possibly even in a new city, it is a good idea to become active in one of the numerous clubs on campus. In addition to the student representatives, there are also a large number of clubs and university groups that help shape life at OTH in a variety of ways.
If you are interested in participating in university sports, please visit the OTH Regensburg card info page and the website of the University of Regensburg to find out more.
International Campus Friends (ICF) is an initiative of the student representatives and organises a varietly of events and activties designed to brings together international and German students.
The CampusAsyl university group is a joint project between OTH Regensburg and CampusAsyl e.V. and is aimed at students with and without a refugee background (German and international).
During the semester, the Coffee Hour for international students takes place every week in the Student House. There is coffee, cookies and nice encounters! Detailed information on the dates can be found at the International Office.
Have a quick check to see if you are ready for the start of your first semester:
- Have you downloaded your login data?
- Have you set up your e-mail account?
- Have you found your timetable on WebUntis?
- Have you downloaded Zoom?
- Have you received and validated your student ID card?
- Have you made plans to attend the welcome events?
If you have done all of the above, you are ready to go. We wish you a successful start to your studies!